So, some of y'all may know that a few months back, I acquired the most expensive cat in the world, priced at four hundred dollars. ...Well, more precisely, I spent four hours picking him up from the side of the road and taking him to the vet to save his little kitty life to the tune of four hundred dollars.
Despite what I had hoped, since he was so calm with people while in astonishing amounts of pain, he was not a stray or otherwise domesticated. No, Macavity is pretty feral. We spent a month or two not actually seeing him. (This was when he
acquired his name.)
Well. Through play therapy and some creative waking hours on my part, Macavity has, as of tonight, actually let me pet him. Extensively, might I add. In fact, he asked to be petted. Multiple times. Not only doing Elevator Butt, but that thing where they semi-collapse on top of your hand so that they pin you right where they want you. As if he's been doing it every day of his life since he was a kitten.
I am so freaking happy right now. Long days are still ahead, but I think we're gonna make it. I'm actually tearing up right now, watching him nap a few feet away with his little feather toy safely dead under his paw.
PS: In appearance, he is much like the baa,
a mackerel tabby, except with much less white - only a little dab under his chin. He has the most adorable little black paws and little spotted belly!