Every person who wants to gets to request a drabble (real drabble: 100 words exactly) from you. In return, they have to post this in their journal and write a drabble for you. (Actually, this is not required by yours truly. Request ahead.) Post all fandoms you're willing to write for. Your friends can pick a relationship, a story arc, a missing
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*lol* Does it LOOK like I have a social structure for them? DOES IT?
On the other hand, from the reaction, I look forward to the result!
...they're caffish.
Alien catfish from a lower-gravity world. :D Best terraformers known to their galaxy (because they are very very exact about their water conditions thank you!). Their ships are often powered by carnivorous electric whales. Their primary senses are scent and touch ('sound' also = touch for them), with sight a distant third. They sort of break my brain. Cpip enables.
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