(no subject)

Nov 26, 2013 22:50

I've been working hard to get Beyond Flatland looking and feeling the way I want it, though the forum itself is still very slow.  I'm considering ways to advertise it, but I'm worried about getting spambots or trolls, so I need to look around first.  It's an open community, and I encourage intelligent discussion on what could be considered very strange topics, while still trying to retain respect for peoples' experiences and POVs and such, and that can be a tricky balance to maintain.

I'm quite happy with the background and banner I made today for it, though.  It's looking a bit more like I envisioned.

I'm still hoping to take it in a creative direction, collectively, linking the group's imagination and creativity and channeling it into creating... I'm not sure yet.  It's an inkling in my head that hasn't fully formed.  It would be equal parts artistic and magical, though.  I started a thread for a group digital collage, just to test the waters.

I have really high hopes for this group.  Hopefully more people will join up and start to participate.  (if you guys know anyone who'd be interested, feel free to direct them there!)

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