I have a people tolerance level

Feb 24, 2008 21:14

I consider myself a semi social person. I can carry on a conversation on most topics that are worth discussing and tend to be a pleasant person in groups. BUT put me in an environment where I am surrounded by a large group of people and I am a completely different animal.
These examples mainly include bars. Now, I am never shy of being at bars as they happen to be places where delicious happy juice is served in all its entirety. and it is thrilling to see lots of people congregating. but I notice that there is a critical mass point in these environments and coincidently there seems to be a symbiotic relationship between the number of the people and the volume of the shitty music they play at bars. There is also an inverse relationship between the numbers and the overall intelligence level of the room. After a while these social gatherings turn into a cattle barn where you hear hundreds of irritating, screeching cackling and vacuous voices piercing whatever strand of hope you have for humanity. And then music like journey's "don't stop believing" plays, and well that's when I thank the stars that I don't walk around with firearms or pointy objects in my pocket. What is it with America's obsession with shitty 80s music? I mean yeah, it's fun for like a few "ha ha" moments and then it's just plain retarded. people start pumping their fists in the air like some cheesy assed hockey movie and start sporting these shit eating grins that deserves some teeth knocked out of them. And then they become loud, not moderately loud, more like "this is why people get into airplanes and destroy your buildings" loud. I hate the bar culture here, there is no sense of relaxation and intellectual respite and all it does is serve as a place to escape some screaming emptiness that follows them everywhere else. And also, why is the only thing that ever plays in any fucking bar tv is sports? always fucking sports, and Viagra commercials. there are so many better means to attain visual stimulation, but why always sports? Ekh... It sucks that the only alternative is a coffee shop where pretentious douche bags sit around with turtle necks and Birkenstock's and discuss world poverty while they refuse to tip the Barrista and not look at the homeless person in the eye. I wish there was a bar that had a midget jousting tournament in it, life would be perfect and all loudness and idiocy is then forgiven and encouraged.
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