As of Monday at noon, my family is changing our home phone number.
We had our number unlisted for ages and ages specifically because we didn't want my mom's clients finding it and calling in at all hours, all the time, asking legal questions and expecting us to be at work. It's bad enough that my mom stays up 'til 2 and 3 am working on motions without the clients calling in at home asking "Why isn't my case going faster?"
So guess what happened? That's right, our number got listed. Some numbskull at Ameritech listed our number in the phone book after years of specifically having it unlisted, and one of our clients found it and has been calling in at home. Invasion of privacy get!
When I started WoW, the first character I rolled was a hunter. (
Belea.) I didn't find out until sometime after that that hunters have a reputation for being idiots that get parties wiped. Last night, I finally met the personification of the stereotype in my Ragefire Chasm run.
The first strike: His pet's name was "pooface," with all lowercase letters.
The second strike: Early in the run, he asked us how old we all were. We answered things like 17, 19, 22. "im 11," he said. "man, you guys are old."
The third strike: The entire rest of the run. He kept stealing aggro from the tank and running off when I was out of mana and specifically said I needed to stop and drink (I was healing). Then when the tank, who was the group leader, died (I then died 'cause all the mobs came after me), the group leadership went to him and he changed the looting to free-for-all, and he wouldn't change it back and he wouldn't give up the group leadership when the tank asked to have it back - and then he ran off to fight more mobs while I was running back to the group because no one else had a revive. Then when the tank finally gave up and brought in his 80 to run us through the rest of the run, he kept stealing aggro from the 80. Why? He'd had his pet on aggressive the entire time. In an instance.
Bonus: When I was trying to get together a group after that to do RFC because that run was such a mess and I still had all the quests to do, I was advertising in chat for a tank and he had the audacity, after all that, to message me. "i can sort of tank," he said. I thanked him for his interest and declined.
My second run of RFC more than made up for the annoyance of the first, though. I'd planned on healing again because I could, because every group everywhere is looking for a healer, but we found a priest to heal so I ended up tanking because the rest of the group was a mage and two rogues. This was weird - not only had I not tanked anything before, I'd never spent more than five minutes at a time in bear form. Hopefully I wasn't whatever the druid version of a huntard is, though, because I did keep aggro most of the time (although when I lost aggro, the mobs had a distressing tendency to run after the healer) and no one died (yay healer! and sheeping person). They even /waved and buffed me when I passed them after the run. So that was fun! I should go practice being a bear so I can be better for next time.