basically finished packing. finally (*´Д`)=з
packing = one of the worst things about traveling. if you're me, i mean. still, i successfully managed to bring almost all the clothes i wanted and all six pairs of shoes. well, five. i'll be wearing one pair.
teehee ☆-( ^-゚)v
flight schedule goes as follows:leave spokane @ 7:00AM → arrive in seattle @ 8:00AM
leave seattle @ 2:15PM → arrive in tokyo @ 4:40PM
leave tokyo @ 6:30PM → arrive in pusan @ 8:50PM
6hr layover in seattle. 2hr layover in tokyo m(_ _ )m whyyy can't i just fly straight to korea.
also signed up for classes for fall quarter! housing gets sorted out on the 10th (i think) 。(;°皿°) now i'm just nervous about that
CHEM 181 General Chemistry I;
MWThF 8:00-8:50
CHEM 181LAB Gen Chemistry Lab I;
W 1:00-3:50
AST 102 Introduction to Asian Studies;
MWF 10:00-10:50
ENST 201 Earth As An Ecosystem;
MTuW 11:00-11:50, Th 11:00-12:50
TH 101 Apprec of Theatre/Film;
Tu 6:30PM-10:30PM
everything is for required classes/credits. nothing is above 200-level!!
and once i do this quarter, i'll really only have to do one or two more classes of required things!
but, no chinese class because the school is cutting corners and i guess 300-level chinese classes are expendable? (-_-メ jerks.
now i'm gonna try to go to bed
gotta wake up early & stuff (@ ̄ρ ̄@)zzzz
i hope they show good movies on flight