Fandom Meme

Aug 21, 2012 20:22

Pick 3 of your OTP’s without looking at the questions:

1 Steve/Kono (Hawaii Five-0)
2 Angel/Cordy (Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Angel)
3 Helo/Athena (Battlestar Galactica)

1. What made you ship 3?
Their story is almost like a Romeo and Juliet, it's the whole forbidden and larger than life love.

2. Is 2 canon?
There were hints about it, but not really. :(

3. What is your favorite moment between 1?
Without a doubt the hug in 2x22, but I also have to mention all those little looks they share from time to time.

4. If you could put 3 in any scenario, what would it be?
I pretty much liked the way their story played out at the show.... I guess I would've liked to see what had happened in that year the show skipped between Season 2 and Season 3.

5. Favorite line between 1?
 “I learned it from you.”- Kono said this to Steve at the end of episode 2x17 when he's complimenting her on following her gut.

6. Did everything you want happen between 2? If not what did you want to see?
Not at all.... There was a LOT of UST, but they never really got together, whenever it seemed like that would happen, a tragedy occured.

7. If you had to pick a favorite 1, 2, or 3?
Angel/Cordy were my favorite for a VERY long time... however, analysing things at this very moment, I have to choose Helo/Athena (it's probably because I just did a marathon a while ago, and this couple is very fresh on my mind)

8. Would a crossover work between the three?
I don't think so.... H50 is a cop drama show, Angel deals with vampires and monsters, and BSG is syfy, so none of them actually fit together.

9. Recommend a blog dedicated 1.,  and

10. Recommend a fic about 3
Don't really read fanfictions of BSG

11. What’s 2 shipper name?

12. Favorite episode/chapter of 3?
Hmm that's a tough one, but I guess 2x07 (Home, Part 2) because even though they know it's going to be rocky road, they are still together.

13. Does anyone in real life know you ship 2?
Yeah, I guess.

14. Do you also ship 1’s actors?
Yep... I know that Grace is married and Alex is in a relationship.... but sometimes my brain goes into overload seeing them together LOL

character: kono kalakaua, meme, tv: battlestar galactica, character: cordelia chase, ship: angel/cordelia, ship: steve/kono, character: angel, tv: hawaii five-0, ship: helo/athena, character: karl helo agathon, character: sharon athena agathon, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: angel the series, character: steve mcgarrett

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