Review: H50 2x16 - I Helu Pu (The Reckoning) (Episodic Challenge)

Apr 22, 2012 01:27

My mission from h50land was to write a review or fanfic that has to do with any H50 episode.

Episode: 2x16 - I Helu Pu (The Reckoning)
Review: 5/5
Summary: When the actions of Five-0 almost result in an international incident, Lt. Governor Denning announces that one team member will lose their job.
Review of Episode // Episode Fic:

Ok, let me start by saying that in my opinion, this was the best episode we've had this season. There were a lot of plot twists and misguiding scenes to throw us off, and the going forward and backward in time was a great choice for this episode. The first scene already gave us a hint that the episode was going to be full of adrenaline, and I really thought that Steve was seriously hurt.

From the promo photos, I imagined that the Gala was going to be at the very end, so it being right at the beginning also changed my perspective. Everybody was very elegant, especially Kono, who was stunning on that white dress. Even Max showed up all dressed up, and I loved the mention that he had met someone and went to get pancakes... super cute.

The mention of Valentine's Day, without having a case that was center on the date was awesome, I would've loved to see Malia and Gabby, but just the mention of them already made me smile. And what really made me smile were Steve and Danny trying to outbid and teasing each other over the football tickets.

How nice was it to see Kono dressed as a doctor to acquire the blood sample?! I loved that part.

One thing that I noticed, all of the boys had at least one moment of action, like Danny's great tackle, Chin kicking those bodyguards' ass (LOVED it) and Steve being Steve as always.

Another positive point was Kono and Lori sharing a scene together, it was about time that they would be pair up for something. Girl power!

The Governor's reaction the whole incident was very realistic to me, I mean, he is after all a politician and he acted like one, thinking about the repercussions before thinking about causing a big mess at the Gala, or starting an international incident.

Kudos to the actress Sarah Habel that played the victims' sister Amanda Chase, she portrayed a very girl going through a lot of emotions throughout the whole episode and she did it perfectly.

The fact that this wasn't Lori centric made it more interesting to me, in fact, I think that her character was redeemed in a way, where she didn't ended up being disloyal to anyone, since she choose both the state of Hawaii and 5-0, and also, not a martyr. She just accepted that she wasn't doing her job (or at least, what the Governor had hired her to do) realizing that she did let things slide. Although the whole declaring her "feelings" for Steve was a bit too much, I think it was something that would go without saying, but it was nice to see Steve's reaction (or may I say lack of reaction) to that.

The Steve/Catherine ending was the icing on the cake for me... I love those two together! So much chemistry and passion.... I was giggling like a schoolgirl hearing Steve say that he'd do his Reserve Drill on the Enterprise, just to be near her... What? I'm a romantic!

dreamcomm: h50land, review, team: h50, meta, group: h50 team, tv: hawaii five-0

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