Pleasant Surprise

Feb 14, 2011 01:00

My scalp is itching like crazy and it's driving me nuts. I think the shampoo I'm using is bothering me. I can only use shampoo for so long then this happens. My scalp is all red and scabby from the scratching. It's also extremely dry, but I've been putting conditioner on my scalp. When I don't do that giant flakes of my scalp peel up and it's awful.

When I do runs where I'm getting a shirt I like to guess what the shirt is going to look like. I'm always way off. My guess today for the Partners in Pain 5K was that it would be short sleeved and navy blue. It was a long sleeved t-shirt with teal tie-dye! Way off! I was way off with the Frostbite Footrace too. I thought it was going to be white with snowflakes, and it was black with a giant deer head.

My run for the 5K was ok this morning. My asthma was a bit rough, but I stuck with the training and finished in 33:30. Then, I went to Spoo5K at 1pm and ran the additional 5 miles for my training goal. My asthma was a lot better. It helped that it was warmer, and probably that I'd had more inhaler meds in me by that point. But my muscles were a lot more tense for the second half. I'm happy though, I think it did 8 miles in an hour 34 minutes, and 8 miles is the farthest I've ever gone in a day. 3 more weeks until the half marathon!

Mike and Diane had great news for me! They were able to sign up for the half marathon! I'm so happy I don't have to do it alone! I was thinking today during the 5K that it was going to really suck to do 13 miles alone! Yay!

I went back through my archived entries and found my post from when I tried running for the first time and did my first mile. It was February 4 of last year. I wish I would have realized it, I would have done an anniversary run! Well here is to 1 year of running! A year later I've done 8 miles at a time and am training from a half marathon!

half marathon, shirts, scalp, diane, tie-dye, time, mike, anniversary, partners in pain, itchy, asthma

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