So there was this one time that I didn't actually sleep for 72 hours. Oh wait a minute. That was recently. Of course, time is obviously fiction to me now and being that as it may, I don't remember having actually ingesting anything of significant caloric value during this time. But for some reason, I do remember a plethora of Godiva boxes were somehow vaguely invovled.
I am up to my eyeballs in pages to study and concepts to understand and the threatening possibility that my mind is pulling a Benjamin Button and degrading at a time I most need it to function.
Also: It might be a sign you're too old for YA books when you don't care about the teenage hero, but think his father sounds like a sexy bitch.
Perhaps this is my punishment for getting too careless, for getting too confident. Perhaps I need the most violent of humblings. Perhaps this isn't what I need so much as what I deserve - and darlings, I don't deserve too much of the good things, ever.
This semester has been a giant leap of faith. It has been a series of precarious choices. Like the Jovian planets, the harsh, rocky, vicious core of reality has been clouded over by a flurry of pretentious poisonous substances. But that pain is needed, isn't it? That intoxicating obliviousness is needed, isn't it? If it wasn't for all that noxious lethal gas, nothing in the outer Kuiper Belt would be so beautifully colored.
Usually when I do not write, this is a good sign. Art never comes from happiness, after all. The fact that I have strayed from LJ, from my great affection for heated word vomit, I have taken in the past few months, to be a positive improvement. And yet here we are.
Speaking of confusing the past for the present. There was once a time I purposely purged my entire computer of all Anime/Manga/Japanese/Fandom related things. I told myself I was through with this debilitating hobby, this wonderfully artistic, fun, but generally time consuming disease. This was probably back when I had developed (or skillfully convinced myself to have) some inkling of faith in American television and an interest in tacky Hawaiian shirts. This was also probably back when my GPA was a positive number.
Clearly, this has somehow managed to reverse itself. You know there's something wrong when you find yourself sitting down and reading 80 chapters of 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!, in less than 60 minutes. A rate that gradually increases at a steady pace until you realize you're actually doing yourself a diservice by starving away. Though in a relatively agreeable state of joy.
Watch now as I make excited, RAPID DOLPHIN NOISES and scream myself into a coma. Because honestly, this series has something for everyone: Spies, assassins, explosions, makeouts, action, drama, gratuitous male nudity (sort of. I mean, there's a lot of clothes being torn off, all the time), eyeliner-wearing bad guys, love triangles all over the place, promises of some kind of mystery/conspiracy, Pokemon-esque spirit animals. Observe what you are missing:
* Future!Mukuro is still hot. Even suspended in water for 10 years and probably way wrinkly. I mean, he likes school uniforms, I wear school uniforms - obviously, we're meant to be together.
* OWL.
* I really detest Byakubitch Byakuran. Mostly because of his hair. And the overabundance of the color white. My artistic spidy-sense tingles with displeasure. Oh and did I mention he was kind of a jerk?
* Aizen's long lost brother Irie has beautiful, Herbal-Essence-esque hair. He falls asleep while changing clothes. I fall asleep changing clothes too. I don't understand why we're not doing it.
* SPANNERRRRRRRRRRRR. He likes robots, I like robots - why are we not together.
* Hibari is still hot. Obviously.
* Didn't like Gamma when he first showed. Backstory helped. His character design got slimmer over the chapters too and he lost the stubble. Therefore, hotness factor met.
* "Uncle" Reborn. Cuteness factor met.
* VARIA'S FROG HEADED BOY. Random factor met.
* Squalo is still retarded(ly kick ass). Thankfully.
* DID I MENTION THE DINOSAURS. By the end of this arch I had better see a unicorn (Dino's ponyta was close).
* Also if there are people who don't like Xanxus still, I pity them, because they must be retched little cave gnomes.
In my defense, this series is like pringles. Pretentious, overblown, crack-coated pringles.
Speaking of fandom. The studio decided to film The Vampire Diaries at Emory's library a couple of weeks back. Many people swooned. Many other people, barred from the printers, got late grades on their research papers. GUESS WHICH ONE I WAS.