Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark.

May 18, 2008 00:28

I have Winchester-fied (Supernaturalized) my livejournal! I have even gone so far as to change my mood-theme accordingly as well as updated my profile (though I'm still vaguely unsatisfied with it all. But then again, I'm quite persnickety). A change of layout was bound to happen, as you all know my ever itchy need for change and nuance. The question was always what I was going to slap on to the template ("What kind of dining set defines me as a person?", thank you Fight Club, haha). Though I now have an abundance of new additions to my f-list (hello poppets) who are very much enamored with the likes of anime and manga, which I do enjoy to a huge extent, I cannot ignore the fact that a big huge chunk of me is still very much obsessed with the cult of what I like to call Western Television. Of course, this is also in part because of oldstarnewshine who is the Dean to my Sam (we fancy ourselves the infamous Hunter brothers in a past life, on occasion) and for whom I am also attempting to whip up a corresponding partner layout for (she is my telly-buddy. We tend to dig all of the same shows. Because we're just Once I figure out some sort of symmetry that I am actually satisfied with of course. I'm a perfectionist, you see. Most of the time it just feels like I'm making two completely different layouts instead of a pair that is supposed to go somewhat hand-in-hand at least vaguely, visually and it's driving me a little cooky (sorry for the delay, honey ♥).

Usually I'm not one for themed layouts or themed anything, really because in my opinion it's like wearing strictly brand name clothes and walking around as a giant billboard advertisement with some popular new tweeny designer label emblazoned across your chest cavity. I like neutral and artistic. But sometimes I like to make exceptions. Personally, I'm still getting used to the colors. I have a habit of doing alternating trade-offs from a bright palette to a dark one and back and forth and back again. So I've gotten so used to staring at whites and bright reds that every time I click back to the homepage I get a visual shocker double-take.


Supernatural (highly biased towards the Season Finale): Luring you in with tight trousers, hot firearms, pretty demons, and crafty dark arts, then SLAMMING YOU INTO A BRICK WALL OF ANGST OVER AND OVER UNTIL YOU'RE A RAGDOLL LIMP WITH DESOLATION AND DESPAIR. And then sprinkling a healthy handful of rock salt over your whimpering remains.

Speaking of death and such. In other news, I have recovered from my apocalyptically life threatening illness previously mentioned in the last post. I would make some sort of celebratory scene right now but spell-check tells me "apocalyptically" isn't a word and isn't that just a damper? My self-esteem is already in the bottom negatives, however, so I've lost count to how many blows it's taken in the past few days. I suppose that's an optimistic thing. Like eating fruit before it rots. Er, no, I suppose that's just logical. (But living in my town, you'd be surprised).

It is not too much to say my mind is fried. Like those cheap excuses for potato chips they sell at Shop Rite - they're really just crinkled pieces of plastic dipped in vats upon vats of vile trickery and smell vaguely of concrete. A healthy source of constant disappointment. Kind of like my - nevermind, I forget.

Regardless of how I may kick myself in the face, I'm actually pretty cool. I know some people who know some people who don't know the third group of people of whom I know, who would gladly vouch in favor of that.

I realize I'm talking to like, five of you (phrased better: Five of you RL people actually can make sense out of this). Out of the entire planet's bursting and immensely interesting population (until they actually open their mouths and attempt to communicate. That's where most people just spill the entire cup of brownie points). You are special beings.

...I realize I have probably just won the award for writing out the longest way of saying: "I really like you guys!" ever. And in less sense too. In fact, all that above is just proof that no post is an actual, legit, "Shyue approved!" post unless it contains some sort of random nonsensical word vomit.

large tuna have you seen my phone?, rl (like not ralph lauren), series: supernatural

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