Sep 21, 2006 09:55
T h e | B a s i c s | a n d | s t u f f
- Name: Brittney
- Birthplace: Louisiana
- B-day Month: March
- Current Location: As of the moment Abbeville
- Eye color: Dark Blue
- Hair color: Blonde,black,brown and red.
- Height:4'11
- Righty or Lefty: Righty
- Zodiac sign: Pisces
- Your heritage: Bahahaha..
- Shoes you wore today: Kswiss.
- Your weakness: marcus, Meow..
- Your strengths: I can drive a truck :-D
- Your fears: Losing someone thats close before being able to accually say I WAS WITH HIM
- Your perfect pizza: None of the above
- Goal you'd like to achieve: To just be able to make it down to louisiana and get steady
- Your thoughts first waking up: well this morning it was BEAT MARCUS WIT A PILLOW
- Your bedtime: before dawn.
- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi.
- McDonald's or Burger King: Mcdonals
- Single or Group dates: Single dates.
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Boyfriend.
- Adidas or Nike: Neither
- Lipton ice tea or Nestea: =Milos..
- Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
- Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither
- Smoke: ....Meh..
- Cuss: Like a salior
- Sing: not enough
- Take a shower everyday: Yes.
- Have a crush: No in love
- Do you think you've been in love: Oh mah sha..yes..Of with him now..
- Want to go to college: Hell yes.
- Like(d) high school: Homeschool Of course
- Want to get married: Very soon
- Believe in yourself: depends
- Get motion sickness: Nah, not really.
- Think you're attractive: Im straight
- Think you're a health freak: bahaha..right..
- Get along with your parent(s): somtimes
- Like thunderstorms: I like em..but not when i hear that tornado Siren..nope..
- Play an instrument: no not anymore
- Ambition: Yea?
- Country/Place you would most like to visit: I don't wanna be anywhere else but here.
I n | t h e | p a s t | m o n t h . . .
- Drank alcohol: I Think so
- Smoked: Nope.
- Done a drug: Nuh uh.
- Had sex : Meow..
- Made out: Everytime he looks at me
- Gone on a date: nuh uh
- Gone to the mall: Yeah.
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Oh yum oreos- Eaten sushi: Nastynastynasty.
- Been on stage: Um, no.
- Been dumped: Nopeeee.
- Gone skating: no
- Made homemade cookies: Yes
- Gone skinnydipping: that would be fun..but no
- Dyed your hair: nuh uh.
- Stolen anything: if so, not on purppose
H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: umm yeah but i didn't have to remove anything Bahaha.
- If so, was it mixed company: I don't know.
- Been extremely trashed or extremely intoxicated: oh man..
- Been called a tease: Plenty of times..Oh wait..the other night accually
- Gotten beaten up: wit a pillow.
- Shoplifted: Yeah.
- Changed who you were to fit in: everyone does
- Age you hope to be married: 18-19
- Described your dream wedding: On the beach with my dad giving me love..
S p e c i f i c s . . .
- What kind of shampoo do you use? vive
- What are you listening to right now? Country music
- who is the last person that called you? Marcus
- How many buddies are online right now? 26
- How many are away:8
- What would you change about yourself? I wanna be 18 NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
M y F a v o r i t e . . .
- Color: green
- Food: oysters
- Girl's name(s): paitence michelle
- Boy's name(s): Marcus anthony
- Subject(s) in school: lunch
- Animal(s): Boxers
- Sport(s): softball
H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Given anyone a bath? yes austin
- Got high? maybe..
- Bungee jumped? damnit do i want to do that
- Skinny dipped?
- Been in love? Yes'm
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Plenty lol
- Pictured your crush naked? see
- Actually seen your crush naked? ^
- Cried when someone died? geez..who doesn't
- Lied? :Depends on if it was trying to help someone out
- Fallen for your best friend? no lol
- Been rejected? assholes
- Rejected someone? me=Bitch
- Used someone? No0o0o
- Done something you regret? Of course.
R i g h t | n o w . . .
- Clothes you're wearing: My beach shirt and some shorts
- Music you're listening to: Country
- Time where you are: 10:11
- Annoyance thats...heh, annoying you: not having a damn car where im at.
-Smell you're... eh, smelling: cotton candy
-Favorite artist: travis tritt
-Favorite group: Cowboy try
- Current desktop picture: Not my computer but some blue shit.
- Book you're reading: the paper looking for a place to rent
- CD in the player: Not my cd i have no idea
- DVD in the player: Longest Yard
L a s t | p e r s o n | y o u . . .
- Touched: Marcus
- Hugged: Marcus
- IM'd: lacee
- Yelled at: Dad.
- Felt sorry for: lacee.
- Felt loved by: Marcus
- Kissed: Marcus
- Spoke to: Marcus
- Cried to: Marcus
- Cried over: Them asshole that broke my i've got some to dry my tears not make them
W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | t o . . .
- Kill: phew...let me get started.....
- Slap: its getting close
- Get really wasted with: Hmmm.
- Get high with: Nuh uh..
- Look like: myself
- Talk to face to face: marcus RIGHT NOW..CAN YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN
- Talk to indirectly (on the phone, online etc.): Marcus..
R a n d o m . . .
- In the morning I look like: I just woke up
- All I need is: Marcus marcus and marcus.
- Love is: Incredible
- Flowers or candy: Both :-D
Y o u r | t h o u g h t s . . .
- I know: IM in love
- I want to: Be with marcus
- I hate: Bitches
- I hear: My mom is my biggest fan
- I just: roll over and cry
- I search: for happyiness.
- I wonder: How he feels..
- I regret: Not being here at all times
- I'm hurt by: not getting to be here at all times
- I like: mm oysters