Me from A to Z:
Age: 25
Band I am listening to: Nothing right now since I'm at work, haven't really listened to anything new, need to though, maybe I'll dl some things later
Career: ICP technician/Acid handler/Method Creator but I want to be DNA/forensics specialist
Dad's name: Joseph
Easiest person to talk to: John at work, he usually just sits there, throws in a funny British word or two, but lets you chat away while looking mildly interested
Favorite shoes: My new snow shoes but I have not been able to break them in, and my Vans that are cute and pink and black with skully shoelaces
Grapes or grapefruit: Both, mainly in a fruit salad, not really alone
Hometown: Linwood, PA
Instrumental talent: Mainly singing, guitar on the GH and RB
Juice of choice: Tropicana OJ with Vitamin C and Calcium no pulp
Koala or Panda: They are both so cute
Longest Car Ride: PA to FL in two days then back again
Middle name: Marie
Number of jobs: I've had 8? some were official, one was under the table
OCD traits: Organizing the glassware at work so there are even rows or as best as I can manage and on the table where we set the ones to be cleaned, I group the 100s then the 50s then the 200s and so on. But at home I can see to not give a damn about that kind of stuff, weird right?
Phobias: Bugs in my house, crawling on me, or flying near my head, or just buzzing to annoy me
Quote: The world is controlled by the human paranoia of chaos and peace.
Reason to smile: There are some, a random compliment, butterfly floating nearby, ladybug landing on your hand, random vase of flowers appearing at your doorstep, making something to brighten up another person's day, etc.
Song you last sang: Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs on RB
Time I woke up yesterday: Same as today, 5:30am
Unknown fact about me: I'm jealous of certain people's future marriages
Vegetable I hate: Asparagus and mushrooms
Worst habit: Sitting on my ass and just mindlessly watching TV, but I'm remedying that by crafting and joining swaps so that I can do something when I get home
X rays I've had: Teeth multiple times, then chest twice now, once for work and the second time was because I thought I had appendicitis or something and went to the ER
Yummiest food: I miss it and want it again but I know it would be a horrible experience at the end of it but Osaka's chicken with yum yum sauce
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
So current life....hmmm....
Gabe is still looking for another job. He has an interview this Friday with a local place so we shall see.
I'm still crafting a good bit. Recently met a slump due to my own mind and laziness. I have two swaps set up right now and I have ideas for both already, I just have to get started. Well the one is due next Saturday, the 9th, the other one is not due till the end of the month. So once I finish up this first one, I'll have time for the second one and a possible third that I've already signed up for. If anyone is interested in this crafting that I'm doing or want to see what other people do or want to show off your own talent in DIY, go to
Craftster. Its a cool site with some really cool chicks and they set up these awesome swaps that I'm slowly becoming addicted to. But its going to help me out come Christmas and such. I'm going to try this whole handmade thing.
With the car issues, I have my check from Allstate and I'm waiting till the 11th since the body shop I want to use is apparently very popular right now. But they seem to be a nice place and I like the guy I've been dealing with mainly. I'm only fixing the front end right now. I'm thinking some things out, figuring out what I want to do with the car. I love the car, its an awesome car, but I really beat it up badly on the passenger side and I just don't know if its going to be worth it to leave at a shop for 2 weeks in order to fix it completely up. But I feel bad for considering selling it for another car, and yes I'm weird for it, I know. I'm just a loyal person, and this was the first car that I picked and paid for myself. I just don't know.