Title: The World Was Hers
Author: Shytan
Rating: G
Characters: Cutler Beckett, Groves, Norrington, Mercer, Storybook (OC cat)
Summary: Another sequel to
Secrets of the World and
Secrets of the World 2.
Warnings: Cuteness ahoy.
Perched precariously on the railing, the ginger and white tabby cat barely more than a kitten looked down at the deck below her with a mild interest. Nose in the air slightly, she looked for all the world as though she owned the mighty Endeavour and its regal crew. As Lord Beckett came to stand beside her, hands clasped behind his back and head tilted upwards, the resemblance between them master was so striking that a number of the crew paused to stare. When Lord Beckett had boarded the ship, many had been surprised to see the fluffy little thing trotting along beside him.
To see such different creatures move in such a similar fashion was rather unnerving. Where Lord Beckett was cold and pale, Storybook was warm and ginger. The tabby cat was everything that Lord Beckett was not, yet they both moved with such an elegant grace, and both held their heads high with the air of authority. Both owned the ship and its crew, there was no doubt about it. So when Storybook's bright blue eyes locked onto the slacking sailors, they quickly turned back to their tasks as though it was Lord Beckett himself staring down at them.
Rather pleased with herself, Storybook closed her eyes and purred softly, earning herself a scratch behind the ears. She looked up at Lord Beckett hopefully, but it appeared that he was too busy captaining his ship to provide her with the level of affection she currently desired. Lord Cuddles always gave her a morning and evening hug, but she often had to look elsewhere for more than a brief stroking between those times. At night he would be all hers again, but until then, there were other people she could be bothering.
After giving Lord Cuddles a leg rub to signal her departure, Storybook padded around the wooden deck in search of Mr. Backscratches. Beckett's clerk knew the exact spot above her tail that had her arching her back in ecstasy, and so the ginger cat was keen to find him. Mr. Mercer was rather busy it seemed, speaking in a clipped tone to a man with a rather large wig. Storybook waited politely until their conversation had finished before approaching the clerk, hopping onto a box beside him and giving him an expectant look. After a quick glance around, Mercer gave the cat a quick scratch on the back before heading off on another task.
Why were these men always so busy? At least there were more around than usual, now they were aboard the Endeavour. Storybook set out to find new companions with which to beg for attention, and if that failed, bother them relentlessly for her own twisted amusement. Stalking past a group of men, she paused to inspect them much like her master had before giving them orders. Lord Beckett never barked orders, that was too crude. He always spoke in a soft but commanding voice, one that Storybook greatly admired. Sitting herself primly behind the men, she announced her presence with a gentle but clear, "mraow."
The four men glanced over their shoulders to stare down at the fluffy cat behind him, and she immediately recognising one of them as Mr. Tummytickles. Moving forwards to rub against his leg, she gently pawed his leg until he relented and picked her up, cradling her in one hand just like Lord Cuddles always did.
"She's a cute little thing," James Norrington commented, reaching over to stroke the cat's head. "Where did he get her from?"
"I've no idea, he didn't say," Theodore Groves replied, looking down rather fondly at the kitten nestled against his chest.
"What's her name?" Norrington asked, withdrawing his fingers when they received a licking, wiping them dry on his royal blue coat.
"Storybook," Groves replied. Unable to resist the blue eyes that gazed longingly at him, Theodore used his free hand to tickle the white fur on her exposed tummy.
After her tummy tickle, and a lovely cheek rub from the Commodore with the tasty fingers, Storybook was carefully deposited back onto the floor. She gave Mr. Tummytickles and Mr. Cheekrubs goodbye leg rubs before heading back to see if her master was in a cuddling mood yet. After rubbing her face on one of Mercer's shoes, Storybook collapsed onto the deck beside Lord Beckett and looked up at the two men pleadingly. Beckett instantly bent down to pick her up, and allowed her to perch on one of his shoulders. After pressing her head against his cheek, she gave it a quick lick before settling down, ignoring the brief grimace that flashed on his face as she did so. Seated comfortably on the shoulder of a powerful Lord, Storybook had no doubts that this world was hers.