things that make you go Hmmmm...

May 21, 2002 14:18

I often wonder why I even bother with this stupid journal anymore. but then I realize how useful typing is when I am trying to figger out what I am feeling. It feels pretty natural to type and just let it flow out.
I just finished eating Wendy's for lunch, and now my stomach is all full of chicken and grease. yum yum. but I was the one to suggest it in the first place, I am a Wendy's addict. I think I missed Wendy's more than any other fast food while I was in Nelson, all they ahve there is two(!!) A&W's and a KFC. Oh yeah, and scudway, but you only eat a scudway when all you got is three dollars and no way to get out of downtown. both myself and a friend have at separate times found big, creepy long hairs right in the buns when eating there. ugh, freak-nasty.
I think I will start clowning here in The John to make some cash while I seek employment with some company that will not requre me to deal with any food services whatsoever. Been there, done that, I can't stand the service industry. I hope, hope, HOPE I get that cushy library job, I will know at the end of this week. Yeah, reading to children, teaching kids how to read, all that jazz is right up my alley...
Deja vu, when did I say that before?
I will be watching another movie tonight, I have been seeing lots of movies lately. First Spiderman (kicked some serious ass right ot the end, when the amerikan patriotic ending made me feel nauseous) then REsident Evil (kinda predictable but still scary) then The Usual suspects (Kevin Spacey is one of my fave actors and the plot was great, all the digressions kept me diverted from the ending right up to the end), They Live, Batman (the original), and High Fidelity. and every freaking one, a truly excellent movie. They Live was awesome, I thought it was funny that it was a movie about how bad television was. The plot is as follows: man finds some sunglasses which permit him to see that much of the population is evil aliens in disguise and that all our modern mass media contains subliminal messaging to keep people asleep. when he wears the sunglasses he can see all the messages. It was weird for me to watch, becuse at one time or another I have entertained the ideas that this is really how it is. I still wonder... Anyways, he joins this group of revolutionairies who all have sunglasses and they go out and all get killed but this one guy who must then infiltrate the bad guys base and shut down the signal (coming from a Cable TV network) that prevents people from seeing the nasty ugly aliens. In the end he dies shooting the big sattelite dish the signal is coming from. The best line in the whole movie is when he walks into a bank to kill a bunch of the bad guys and says, "I have come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of bubblegum" hahahaha!! how much cheesier can it get? I love cheese... mmmmm.

movies, fort st john

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