101 Things update

Feb 10, 2009 19:17

First real update of my list. Find the original list here

03. Zero alcohol for 100 days. I'm almost halfway on this- 59 days to go! It's harder than I thought, especially when hubby brings home beer. It looks so dang refreshing.

05. Attain and maintain a weight of 120 lbs. I've missed a few fitness classes, and yesterday I must've eaten almost a whole dozen cookies, and yet I'm still only about 10 lbs away from my goal.

07. Swear less.(this is harder than I thought!) We started a swear jar:
Meet "Prince Pottymouth"

I have had to contribute to it a LOT, especially when playing video games. The $$$ is coming out of my tattoo jar, so it's definitely got to sink in soon, or I won't make my ink goals!

11. Learn to use my camcorder well. I'm practicing, and slowly getting the hang of it. Not liking my video editing software, though. Can anyone recommend some free software to edit my little clips together into a movie?

16. Take a multivitamin a day until the bottle is empty. Over halfway!

18. Limit my internet surfing to 1 hour a day whenever possible. I suck at this. I need to toughen up and really commit to this!

21. Continue going to parent/baby fitness classes; seriously consider going twice a week. FAIL. Need to pull up my socks on this one. Life seems to have gotten in the way.

33. Contribute to an RESP for Zoë done! Went to the bank on the 5th and got it set up.

43. Read to Zoë every day (even just a page!) working on it. Sometimes I forget.

46. Clear out all clothes that don’t fit. They're in a garbage bag in my room. Slowly removing them.

57. Learn 5 new recipes 1/5 Got my MIL's recipe for avocado salad, can't wait to try it!

63. Find 20 new crock pot recipes and utilize them in my day-to-day cooking. 2/20 I've made chili and beef short ribs with Kansas City BBQ sauce, and am getting the stuff to make crock pot Enchiladas.

67. Supply all bread we require from scratch for 30 days. I'm starting this in March.

75. Read 6 NEW books in a year 2/6 Read "Lullabies for Little Criminals" and "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood".

87. Buy hatboxes, label them and store my hats neatly and safely I bought two hatboxes. I will need at least three more.

Guess that's all for the shorties. Some of the food stuff, housekeeping stuff and such are journal entries for another day.

101 things

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