Late Meme and Resolutions

Jan 02, 2009 23:30

In 2009, shyspy resolves to...
Take evening classes in motherhood.
Give up vampires.
Cut down to ten mythical creatures a day.
Buy new friends.
Ask my boss for a chocolate.
Overcome my secret fear of storms.

Heh, I don't think I could handle only having 10 mythical creatures a day... I NEED MORE UNICORNS!!!

buy new friends... Is THAT how it's done??? No wonder I have to make virtual friends!

Anywho. The LJ Spotlight has spoken, and has inspired me to really look at my life, and what Iwant from it in the next few years. I have completed a list of 101 things I would like to accomplish in 1,001 days. I will be writing about it in this journal, and keeping a hard copy in the form of a calendar, reminding me which things I am working on when. I will also List in my journal whenever I accomplish a task. Wish me luck, I am nervous about this commitment!

101 Goals in 1,001 Days

Personal Development:

01. Free write 1 hour a week for 6 months.
02. Draw/Paint 1 hour a week for 6 months.
03. Zero alcohol for 100 days.
04. Take a self portrait every day for a year.
05. Attain and maintain a weight of 120 lbs.
06. Compliment a stranger 10 times
07. Swear less.
08. Finish a half-marathon
09. End disgusting habit…
10. Play memory and vocabulary enhancing games.
11. Learn to use my camcorder well
12. Publish a video self-portrait
13. Make 3 really awesome icons for LJ.
14. Learn to make GIF animations.
15. Drink 5 cups of water a day for 3 months.
16. Take a multivitamin a day until the bottle is empty.
17. Complete at least on painting on a canvas that I am proud of.
18. Limit my internet surfing to 1 hour a day whenever possible
19. Buy a timer
20. Eat smaller meals
21. Continue going to parent/baby fitness classes; seriously consider going twice a week.
22. Write 10 poems
23. Submit writing/poetry for publication AT LEAST once
24. Do not go to bed without washing the dishes for 3 weeks
25. Always put my laundry away within 24 hours of drying it
26. Quit the internet for 1 week.
27. Make the bed every day for 3 months
28. Become proficient with Photoshop

29. Photograph Zoë every day for 6 months.
30. Potty train Zoë
31. Teach Zoë to hula
32. Teach Zoë to say 3 funny catchphrases:
33. Contribute to an RESP for Zoë
34. Write a will
35. Name a godparent for Zoë
36. Adopt a child.
37. Surprise Mike with a random “King for a Day”
38. Write AT LEAST 50 “Why I Love You” notes and hide them around the house for Mike to find.
39. Expose Zoë to different cultures, music, art and history
40. ALWAYS explain “why” to the best of my ability, even if not right away
41. Go camping with Zoë at least 3 times.
42. Learn all my families blood types
43. Read to Zoë every day (even just a page!)
44. Be a stay at home mom

45. Plant a tree.
46. Clear out all clothes that don’t fit.
47. Alter at least 5 pieces of clothing to fit and look EXCELLENT, donate everything else to the Salvation Army
48. Host a garage sale to clear basement clutter, donate leftovers to Salvation Army
49. Start a proper compost pile
50. Move into a house with 3 bedrooms
51. Put up curtains in the living room
52. Redecorate bedroom
53. Put up blinds in Zoë’s room and our room.
54. Buy bookshelves.
55. Strip and repaint bathroom window trim
56. Build a backyard fire pit

57. Learn 5 new recipes
58. Make Molé sauce from scratch.
59. Eat in a strange town.
60. Grow an herb garden
61. Grow vegetables and can them
62. Make pickles
63. Find 20 new crock pot recipes and utilize them in my day-to-day cooking.
64. Create a personal cookbook of tried-and-true recipes
65. Make perogies and pyrahi from scratch
66. Bake artisan breads
67. Supply all bread we require from scratch for 30 days.
68. Make sweet potato fries
69. Get a pasta machine

70. Buy a pair of sexy boots.
71. Get at least two tattoos.
72. Go tubing!
73. Go surfing
74. Go skiing
75. Read 6 NEW books in a year
76. Correct at least 3 badly spelled/punctuated signs.
77. Purchase the *perfect* sexy set of bra & panties.
78. Go to a screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show in costume
79. Attend a sci-fi convention.
80. Organize and update movie review cards.
81. Contribute $1 for every goal achieved to my motorcycle fund.
82. Watch Firefly and Serenity.
83. Use our canoe more often.
84. Watch more indie/foreign films
85. Join and learn from the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar
86. Take my family for a special summer picnic
87. Buy hatboxes, label them and store my hats neatly and safely
88. Make love someplace “dangerous”.
89. Learn to say Hello in 20 languages

Art, Business and Culture:
90. Write a Business Plan for Shyspy Accessories.
91. Design 50 pairs of earrings
92. Design 50 rings.
93. Design 50 bracelets
94. Design 50 necklaces
95. Request a business loan
96. Equip a jewelry studio
97. Take a summer art course
98. Scrapbook more.
99. Make a real effort to become gainfully self employed

100. Host a potluck.
101. Throw a formal cocktail party

102. Expand my volunteering at the library.
103. Become/look into becoming a Big Sister
104. Donate blood
105. For each goal not accomplished by end date, donate at least $1 to charity.

101 things

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