A little bit o' Everything

Nov 22, 2008 00:15

1) I need a new haircut. BADLY. I look at myself in the mirror and only see the lank, thin, lacklustre locks. I also need a new hairdresser, my current one has totally lost her inspiration with me, after three years of loyal patronage. I also want some colour, my hair hasn't been it's natural colour for such an extended period of time since Middle School. I crave BLEACH, the way smokers crave nicotine. Must. Have. Colour. Unfortunately, my hair is currently all falling out from pregnancy hormone letdown. It's always been thin, but THIS is ridiculous. So I am afraid of the dye jobs right now. I started taking a silica supplement, in the hopes of encouraging new growth ASAP, but doubt I will see anything for a couple of months...

2) vodka, ginger ale and lime juice is Yummy.

3) Baby is back to her usual 9 hour sleeps- for a few days there she was only getting four hours at a go again, and I was worried her sleep patterns had changed. Guess she was just extra hungry...

4) I had a moment to *shine* at the library story time today. I have been going to pre-school storytime at the library for several weeks now, nominally as a volunteer helper, but usually so few kids show up I'm not really needed. Plus, they encourage the parents to stay with their children, so having someone helping isn't necessary. But today there were 10 kids, and the craft called for large quantities of glitter glue, which required extra dry-time before the moms were willing to carry them home. No activity had been planned and the boys were running amok, so I got to lead them in a rousing version of the HOKEY POKEY. My favorite itty-bitty-kiddie song. They all danced along, and the moms clapped for me at the end. Fun was had by all. I love my library.

*addendum: I will also be volunteering there again tomorrow to help with the yearly book sale. Hopefully I don't find any books I want, I can't afford to spend more money on myself.

Speaking of spending money, I bought Mike a stocking stuffer, my mom a webcam, and myself a ticket to see Corb Lund. I am pretty excited about this, He's quite an entertaining musician. The song "Tool for the Job" rocks my socks. If you like country music, Friends List, then you should check him and his band, the Hurtin Albertans, out.
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