Nov 30, 2004 12:53
Greetings, oh wise one. I bow to your superior knowledge of the universe...ehhm.
well, vickie said i should write so here i am writing. i actually dont have much time because i'm supposed to clean the kitchen before my mum awakes. yeah i best go do that now. what a waste of an entry huh?
oh fine... a few more mins...
so saturday was the most productive day ever o.o;;; teaching in the morning, seminar in the afternoon, party in the evening yayyyyyyyyyyy.
acutally it was a variety show. the dances were awesome, the skits were hilarious... i missed half of it because i was in crowd control. there wernt enough seats in the auditoriuM! people were standing in the back, sitting on teh floor in the front and in the aisles. crazy crazy. but t'was good.
i withdrew from seneca almost a month ago and switched to centenial, progress campus. i already know 3 people there, Medina, Warren, and Nawal, and i havnt even started yet - yeah i start in one month away.
umm...well for a while we had a hamster! yeah. it was cute n everything but i'd rather NOT touch it... and it kept breaking out of its cage to come visit me in the middle of the night and run around the perimetre of my room while i was trying to sleep. grrrr. i've developed an alergic reaction to it. and i'm waiting for it to go away...
I CANT WAIT TILL DECEMBER SIXTH! i've invited alnoor to come hang with us in crescent town, but i dont know if he'll show up... i havnt told him why he should come but i'll tell you. Its the Annual Tree Lighting festival. yeah they get a christmas tree and make it pretty and turn on the lights. then theres free hot chocolate and cookies and kids singing and candidates telling us why we whould vote for them and what they'll do for us. then we all troop over to the club room and have fooood. free food :P and its yummy. last time there was pizza and cake and yes pie and chinese food and ice cream( yeah i KNOW its december ) and coke (love coke) and indian food and italian food and... well you get the idea. yeah its from 7-9 pm.
i also went to the movies with Farhana the other sunday. and watched Spongebob (which she talked me into) and it was actually very funny. i was in a seriously silly insane crazy mood anyway so that helped :).
Went to this Giftwrapping seminar (i'm sworn to secrecy) and it was very... frustrating. but again i cant go into detail. hope farhana gets the job though. she did well.
i think that should be good enough for now. thats only a small chunk of my life. see i keep a journal (hand written) and i've already done about 12 pages in that last night and i dont feel repetitive so...
well luv ya lots, cya round. *hug*