Title: Not Today
Author: shyone
Genre: drama; supernatural
Pairing: Gackt/You
Rating: g
Summary: Gackt is exhausted from overwork.
Italics denotes dream
RIP Kami
Not Today
Gackt walked out of the studio where he’d just finished up filming for the day, and crossed the parking lot. As he neared his car he saw Kami leaning on the hood.
“Kami, what are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to take you home,” Kami said, smiling. He reached out and took Gackt’s hand.
“What?” Gackt looked down at their hands. He’d always been able to see Kami- a translucent specter that seemed to shimmer slightly in the air, not quite solid, not quite touching the ground, but not really floating above it, either. Kami’s touch had always been more of a slight movement of air against his skin more than a touch, like the memory of a touch, just a soft, cool brush of air. But this was real. Cool, but still a solid presence against his skin.
“But You and Cha are waiting at home...”
“You’re not going home to them,” Kami said. He stood up and smiled and tugged at Gackt’s hand. “Come with me, Gacchan. Come home with me.”
“No!” Gackt cried, pulling away from his former lover. “I can’t! I’ve got things to do. And Cha and You-chan...”
“It’s too late for that now, Gacchan. We can be together now; just you and me.”
“No!” Gackt shouted and jerked his hand away from Kami’s grasp. He shoved Kami hard.
“Oof!” You clutched his chest where Gackt had swung out and hit him.
“Gacchan, wake up. It’s ok. It’s just a dream.” He reached out and shook Gackt’s shoulder gently.
“No!” Gackt cried again, and his eyes sprang open. He looked around, confused at his surroundings. Slowly the nightmare passed, and he saw You kneeling beside the couch where he’d fallen asleep when he’d come home.
“It’s ok, Gacchan, it’s ok.” You smiled at his confused lover. “You’re safe at home.”
Gackt gazed at You and touched his warm cheek, then took his hand. It was warm, and solid, and real. “I’m still here,” he whispered, “I’m still here.”
He sat up slowly, moving his feet to the floor, and never letting go of You’s hand. His eyes traveled past You.
Kami stood across the room, near the door, watching. Gackt shivered.
You gathered his exhausted lover in his arms. He followed Gackt’s gaze behind him, seeing only the empty room, but he knew. “Not today, Kami. Not today. He’s still mine, and I won’t let him go without a fight.”