Apr 18, 2007 16:21
I would have posted about House last night, if it weren't for the fact that I was dead as soon as next week's promo was over.
This season is really making it hard for me to pick a favorite episode, there is soo much good material. But I think this last episode is definitely top three quality.
Where to begin.....
I have this irrational hatred towards Wilson. I think it's the fact that he talks like he's on an infomercial and stands like he's superman. But, lordy, you had to love him in this episode. The way he was messing with House was so hysterical, and to be honest, I'm still not completely sure what was fake and what was a ruse. House looked like the sucker for once.
And he totally hated that Wilson "slept" with Cuddy.
The end was so darn cute! When Cuddy and House were on the balcony thing and Cuddy was like "It shouldn't be that hard" and House had that sympathetic look, and asked if she wanted to go to a play. That is love, my friends, anyone could tell you that. Speaking of love...
Chase was sweet for half of the episode and just plain annoying for the other half. It's pretty obvious he's head over heels, aww. But I really disliked his pushiness.
Oh, and Cameron totally [unwillingly] loves Chase. I mean, it was pretty undeniable at the end, I would say. And as much as I hate Cameron, her little smile after Chase left the room made me happy.
I'm still thinking there will be a huge revelation for Cameron at the end of the season that she needs Chase.
Okay, that's all I can remember right now...
By the way, did anyone else catch the snippet on American Idol, when Simon, like, grabbed Paula's nose? FTW.