Oct 26, 2004 17:00
Well, I haven't been to work in like a week. I went LAST Sunday after getting back from Texas. Then I called off that Monday night because I needed a break. Tuesday was the PPV, and I had requested it off already. Wednesday I was schedualed off. Thursday I went to see a foot doctor.... You see I get ingrown toenails A LOT. Usually I can just cut them out myself. This one. however, was too deep, and too infected. So I went to the doctor and they cut it out right there. My foot had been swollen and in pain since then. I couldn't ware socks, it hurt so bad, let alone try to work. So the doctor gave me a note excuseing me from work through lastnight. I go back tonight. Oh joy...
I got my grnadmother a set of glass candle holders and candles for them. Now my Christmas shopping through Thanksgiving is finished. Jason and I bought a used Gamecube. Since Gamestop had them for 50.00 and Jason got his discount.... I wanted Paper Mario so bad, so that's what we got for it. Jason and I have been playing it the past few nights. It's fun as hell....but then again I always liked Mario, and this being RPG just kicks ass. Guess I didn't have as much to update as I had thought...