(no subject)

Nov 03, 2006 15:06

I am sitting in my room. as always should be doing something more productive but hey... I recently changed my room the setup, and just this past tuesday got my computer and tv out of deborah's apt. yea i know it's november over 2mos since being back at school but i'm no good with no car.lol prolly wouldn't be too good with car but i can only dream about that now can i? It's like moving into a new apt, yo just want to sit around and become comfortable in your new space. or is it that i am comfortable in my space and i just want to enjoy it. Well today is Friday so I will just enjoy it :-) dang sometimes it sux being a girl and a person. why couldn't i just be an automaton and crank out those grades without getting tired. save all emotions like happiness and energy and totally not register tiredness ache and pining. lol cuz you know how i love to pine. if i didn't pine i don't think i would live :-P
Hey my nails are growing, yes not like normal people haha but for me quite an improvement. I almost had a full hand with nails on it but october was an extremely stressful month. midterms fallbreakhomecoming test after test after project after paperafter project after club assignment. gosh i love being a science major and involved. seriously i do. this is why i think i'm a masochist nto as much as others, but to a degree a masochist all the same. All true scholars are. not to imply that i am a true scholar, i have not yet earned that title. oh but don't trip i am a Scholar. My heart hurts when i think about it the high implausibility of me being nominated phi beta kappa. lol quite laughable actually but i won't do it, b/c it means something to me. it's just that nothing in my grades would suggest it. or Rhodes scholarship. i dont' really think i still want a rhodes scholarship it's just so prestigious and for me it would validate my life as a scholar. oftentimes, when i get the most depressed its because i am doubting myself because of school. i need to get over it because i do know that i am smart. maybe not genius status but that is okay. What will i do after graduation when i won't have tests to validate me? haha that's speaking as if tests do validate me? can't continue talking about grades. although i am okay right now. it is not to my standards and no matter how poorly i do or how great i do, or what i do or don't do to achieve these standards they are always within me. thanks 8 yr old Rachel you ROCK
I can't wait for Thanksgiving. Planning on going shopping, eating, and driving. I really want a new pea coat charcoal gray. i just want to see my friends, act myself, well here i am myself and at home i am a different version. i want to be me but silly like singing living ona prayer at a ridiculous decibel level while driving and speeding down Grove street after eating ice cream from coldstone/applegate's in 30 degree weather. YEssss Haha i love my brother, currently engaging in a philosophical discussion about life and the start of life. 
Going to contine thinking ... ha i'd make an awesome philosophy major!

peace out my dude
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