(no subject)

Aug 06, 2008 01:18

The first time I met her...my mom had picked me up from middleschool and was telling me that a cat had wandered into a kindergarten class (Mrs. Taylor, a favorite teacher of mine).  My sister was in a nearby class and my mom decided to take her in. We had lost a cat earlier, Raz, when he went chasing after a mouse on the road. (We were watching Funniest Home videos, I remember looking through the window at them carrying a black plastic bag and burying him)

I first met her in the garage. She was full of curiosity and hadn't quite grown into her ears yet. I thought her multi-colored coat was pretty. The singular white spot on her chest was especially noticeable.

When she started to like me....I pretended I was a big cat and hissed at Sheeba, our black and white german shepard. I think she became friendlier to me. She certainly scratched me less than other people. But then, I think I am/was the only cat person here. I play games like "fishing with cotton balls and making her climb-jump on the couch with her claws.

When my mom took her for her first shots and a spaying, the vet wondered why she was bothering with a cat that had kitty leukemia (how sensitively put) and probably wasn't going to live past five more years (but she lived fifteen)

She liked to sleep near me sometimes. I'd be laying on floor on my side and she'd creep up and settle down behind me. Once or twice I'd stretch back and accidentally bump into her. She even slept near me on bed sometimes.

How she only ever sat in my (or anyone's) lap while I was playing a game in a big chair. I think she liked it even if she didn't do it ever again.

One time she got out accidentally and was gone for days during the Winter. And I thought that she was a goner. I even mourned for her thinking that perhaps she'd run off to die somewhere. And I remember reading one of the Southern Vampire Series books while sitting on a needs-to-be-moved-elsewhere-sofa when I heard scratching at the glass door and just knew it was her. And then I let her in and pet and cooed over my poor starving, tick-ridden kitty as she nom-nom-nomed on food.

And lets not forget her mannerisms...

How, whenever someone had food, she'd LOOK at you until you gave her something. Instead of scratching or being loud like the dogs. How she'd rub up on you when she wanted to be petted. And how she'd nip at  you after a while of petting. And how she trusted me to touch her more vulnerable areas like her tummy.

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