One-shot: Breaking the Office Pet

Apr 12, 2009 16:55

Title: Breaking the Office Pet
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Angel/Spike
Warnings: DARK, torture, hurt/NO comfort
Summary: Something is very wrong with Angel and his friends, and Spike’s the one to suffer.

A/N: For my first nekid numbers prompt on nekid_spike. I got "Angel" and "cross."


Part 1/1 )


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Comments 38

mulder200 April 13 2009, 01:20:50 UTC
You are twisted! This was just evil!


shylahmask April 13 2009, 02:51:20 UTC
Yeaaahhhh. I know. Blame the prompt! ;)


hello_spikey April 13 2009, 02:23:00 UTC

Clearly, the naked numbers were just DEMANDING this from you....

I, for one, thank you.

of course, Spike really does bring this on himself, you know, beings so darn cute and pretty when he cries. He really should accept that everyone wants to chain him up and plan accordingly.



shylahmask April 13 2009, 02:59:06 UTC
Clearly, the naked numbers were just DEMANDING this from you....

Well, of course! I mean really, you put the prompts "Angel" and "cross" in front of me I'm not going to lean towards a story where Angel and Spike sit down and have a deep and meaningful conversation.

He really should accept that everyone wants to chain him up and plan accordingly.

Heh! That's kind of what Hamilton just told him, too! A little late, of course...


hello_spikey April 13 2009, 12:34:00 UTC
I was so confident of the quality of this piece, lo, I did write that comment after just reading the author's comments at the top, since it was bed-time and I didn't have time to read the rest, but was so excited I couldn't not comment. :)

Having now actually READ the piece I must say with confidence:

Bwa ha ha!
Oh *cough* Poor Spike.

Though of course I'm always "eeeek!" when it comes to dismembering the pretty. Some of us might want to use those bollocks later! *pout*

It's Fred being in on it that really really crushes. Et tu, Fred?

Mmmmmm Hamilton. *gives him wet sloppy kisses*


shylahmask April 13 2009, 17:45:12 UTC
Though of course I'm always "eeeek!" when it comes to dismembering the pretty. Some of us might want to use those bollocks later! *pout*

Me too! But uh, yeah...I've been really repressed. I qualify this by pointing out the official um, separation did not happen in the story.

Yep! Fred, too! Everyone's in on it, but I had her as a main part to just show how bad it is. Poor Spike!


whichclothes April 13 2009, 02:28:55 UTC
You must have been in a particularly bad mood to treat poor little Spike this way. Yay for us!


shylahmask April 13 2009, 03:03:19 UTC
Heh! No bad mood. I think it was just a lot of repression from having to do college work instead of write fanfic for so long.


whichclothes April 13 2009, 03:13:26 UTC
I know how you feel. And I guarantee you some of your professors feel the same way. :-)


shylahmask April 13 2009, 03:17:17 UTC
Oh, totally. But I love being repressed by my job, and most of them feel that way, too.


crow_girl_74 April 13 2009, 02:56:18 UTC
Poor Spike, he's just too damn pretty when he's in pain.

Twisted, but oh so good!


shylahmask April 13 2009, 03:13:27 UTC
He is, isn't he? This spell makes everyone else think so, too!


dreamsofspike April 13 2009, 04:43:30 UTC
wow... that is incredibly, horribly dark... but very well done... poor spike... and there's no one to help him at all :(

anyway, loved this, hon :) *Hugs*


shylahmask April 13 2009, 06:32:39 UTC
Yeah, Spike's pretty much stuck in a bad situation. Although, if I did have time to continue it (which I don't and won't), help would eventually come to him in the form of Fred regaining consciousness inside of Illyria's body. Of course, by that time he'd be much worse off, there'd be lots of comfort, and horror on Fred's part, etc, and then Fred would figure out how to use Illyria's power manipulate time and make everything better.

Of course, since I don't have time for that, Spike's stuck with getting slowly castrated with no happy ending. Sorry about that, Spike.


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