
Jul 08, 2006 22:04

The previous entry has offended some people and made them question who I am as a person. I apologize for giving those people the wrong impression. I just wanted to give everyone an update on my life, and I'm sorry if I seemed excited or even HAPPY about moving out to Kansas. It was a LAST RESORT since the beginning. I have never WANTED to move out here. I applied to nearly 30 or 40 teaching jobs in Ohio, a few daycare manager positions, positions in Indiana and Pennsylvania. No one called, everyone. I know I would be leaving a lot of people I care about-- and I did say that in the last entry, I guess that didn't come across as being remorseful enough for some people. I'm not going to apologize for the fact that I am happy and excited both that I found a place that likes who I am as a person and as a teacher. A place where I can start my career. A place that is taking a chance on me as a first time teacher. A place that will allow to me to get my foot in the door of the teaching world, so that I can build a future (with the man I love) eventually in Ohio. I AM sorry that it is in Kansas, I truly am. I have not in anyway given ultimatiums to a certain person to join me out here. But, I can't live up in Ohio and be able to pay all of my bills. I would still be living with my Dad, and working at a daycare probably, and having gone to school for four years (paying nearly 140,000) to be a teacher, owing about 40,000 back in loans, can't you see that I want to be able to do this dream of mine?

I am not a vindictive or unsensitive person in any way. I'm sorry if people have taken this impression on about me through this situation which they haven't even been involved in. It is my life, and I know it's going to affect others, and it already has. But here is the bottom line for people who think that I am dragging my boyfriend out here: I LOVE MARCUS BRANNON. I WANT TO MARRY HIM. HE IS MY LIFE. I wouldn't be asking him to come with me, if there was any other way I could prevent it. I have never said "you are with me, or we are over." I've said we could do long distance, and I would remain by this side through it all. I've offered to pay plane tickets out here, support him in every way possible way out here. If the situation were reversed, I would leave EVERYTHING for him too. I hope this clears up the confusion and any lingering opinions of my supposed "ill-behavior." True love is, what it is. And sometimes you have to go the extra mile for it. I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL that Marcus is willing to make this large of a sacrifice for me. I have not in anyway downplayed what he is giving up. He is an amazing person who I care about more than anything in the world-- more than a job, for those of you are questioning it. Can't you see I'm trying to build a better life for us? It is only for a year everyone. One year. Maybe this isn't the catastrophy that everyone is making it out to be...
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