I have evil friends, and my FIANCE is the ruler....

Apr 26, 2008 06:57

That is right... fiance....

And evil friends... EVERYONE knew about this for the past month except me... (and Luke and Alysha but they can't keep secrets ;-))


All week I have been feeling that things were a little... off, like something was up. Boy, was I right.

Yesterday I got home from school and Rob wanted to go get comics and stop at Yaddo before his Aunt Jill's birthday party. It is supposed to rain today, so Rob wanted to stop by yesterday afternoon instead.

We get there, and we start walking around taking the long circuit up and around the gardens. No flowers or water in the fountains yet. He says that he wants to go over to one spot that is his favorite. We get over there, and there is an envelope with "Sunshine" on it. I open it up, and it is the letter in 2003 that he wrote to his future love (complete with the goofy comment I left about it WAY back then). I had asked him to read me the letter some time, so I thought this was all planned for him to be romantic and read the letter. Of course I am sobbing because I cry every time I read it. When he is done reading the letter, he tells me about how it has always been meant for me, he just didn't know it at the time and how wonderful I am, and how much he loves me and how we are going to spend the rest of our lives together.

Then he gets on one knee and pulls out the ring. There was no hesitation, and of course I said yes! That was the end of me for the next few hours or so... everything is still a little bit of a blur.

But the story is not yet over, Rob says that we still need to go to his mom's for Jill's birthday party. So we head back and get gas and get over there. There are lots of cars, but there are supposed to be friends of Jill's from Ticonderoga. Rob opens the door and stands back to let me in the house... he NEVER does this... he always goes first. He whispers "The party isn't for Aunt Jill" and then he we walk in and there are people with cameras and yelling and everything. I get around the corner, and the first people I see who aren't "family" are Kate and Will, my little baby godson. So I run over and tackle... and next to them is Ali... and then I really get a good look around and it is both our families, and Alan, Lisa, and Ben and Meredith.... and over the rest of the evening I get calls from Peri and Chris and Erynn (Happy Birthday again!!). And then Lauren shows up, and Kelly comes, and Xander, and Jacob and Chrissy, and Leeanne and Charlie, and Russ, and Angelique and Drake and....

My heart is so full to bursting right now that it has no where to go except to come out as tears... I'm still in a state of shock and there is so much that I want to say... but I don't know what it is...

I'm writing this in the bedroom because we have a baby sleeping in the livingroom that I don't want to wake up... and Kate, Ali, and Lauren are all sleeping too... Lauren has to leave at 8 to get home for her nephew's birthday party... but the rest of us are all going to breakfast at Denny's at some point... so... if you are around and want to come too... you are welcome to join us.


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