May 10, 2008 23:50
hey its been a while
most of you know what i should be doing.
i think i will be able to finish. I decided one of my lessons did not fit so i booted it. i know what the new one is going to be but i have to re-write it. there are still quite a few handouts, rubrics and power points that i need to do. looking back, i should have made them while the lesson was still in my mind
there is a guy here who is constantly laughing. not as in a chuckle, but a full guffaw. when hes not laughing, hes yelling at the screen. it driving me nuts.
so, ive got a summer job back at public works (hooray), the climbing/camping trip was canceled (boo), but that means i get to take my drug test earlier to and start working earlier (woo?).
ive wasted so much time... got to get back to work