Sorry that it's been so long since the last one. I was having some computer problems. My old computer was barely usable - even when I could get it to turn on, it would lose power if I so much as looked at it funny - so I've mostly been using a computer that wasn't mine and that I couldn't install anything on for the last couple months. But now I have a new computer and managed to transfer some of my files over from the old one, so I can start doing this again. With that resolved, I shouldn't have any more really long breaks between episodes from now on. Really.
...Well, probably, anyway.
Also, I finally made an index for my screencap adventure stuff. Thus, previous episodes can be found
Anyway! Last time, Link had finally found his way to the third dungeon. Let's see what's in store for him there.
Well... I suppose if Link came here at night it might be moonlit. It's still not really a grotto, I don't think.
These eye statues seriously creep me out. Think someone could be spying through them?
Explosions are the best way to solve problems. By the way, what happened to Link's head in this shot? :O
Pols Voice. They're invulnerable to the sword. One can kill them with bombs, but there's a much easier way.
Their ears are so sensitive to noise that gentle harp music causes them to explode. Isn't that kind of a major weakness? How could such a species even exist? Perhaps they evolved somewhere where, um... nothing makes noise? Uh. Yeah...
I forgot to show you the map. Like the island it's on, Moonlit Grotto is shaped like a crescent moon. Thus the "moonlit," I guess.
Mini-Moldorm. So it's called, though there are no non-mini Moldorms in either of the Oracle games.
Cutting the grass. It's important to keep your dungeons properly maintained.
This monster's called an Iron Mask, appropriately enough. For now I've gotta attack it from behind. Later I'll get a way to pull their masks off. They look pretty damn silly without them.
Meanwhile, what's with that conspicuous crystal?
Wanton destruction is the best way to deal with the unknown.
Oops. It wasn't me, I swear! That crystal just fell apart on its own! Pretty shoddy design if you ask me! Y-yeah!
Tie what all together? Dunno. Obviously, the best way to find out is to break them all and see what falls apart! It's a brilliant plan and could not possibly go wrong.
And here's the main gimmick of this dungeon. Right now, while it's blue, that thing will only turn to the right...
And once it's turned, it turns red and will only turn to the left. Basically, its primary function is to make it irritatingly difficult to go where you want.
Aha! Another holding-something-together crystal! Let's break it!
Getting to it requires lots of explosions. No objections here :D
And then the screen shakes and there's the same message about something being knocked loose.
Haha, wouldn't it be funny if these crystals were holding the whole place together and Link ended up destroying another dungeon? It's okay, he has time travel! He doesn't need to worry about the potential consequences of his actions! Nevermind that this dungeon is something entirely different in the past!
I can just imagine how the Maku Tree would react.
Maku Tree: You destroyed that one too, didn't you? Did you at least get the essence first?
Link: ...
Maku Tree: Oh no! Now, thanks to you, the world will end! ^_^
A key falls from the ceiling, as keys are wont to do.
I wonder if there's an official name for this limited-spinny-aroundy thing. Or at least something better to call it than "limited-spinny-aroundy thing". Hey, I never claimed to be good at making up names.
The grayish squares are bottomful pits, by the way. If you fall in them, you'll actually end up somewhere further down! What a strange concept!
But right now I want to mess with the spinny-aroundy thing some more.
Back around...
There we go.
Like Likes! Likes Likes, like, like Link. Or they like to swallow him up, anyway. I know that everyone thinks Like Likes just like eating shields, but I can't help but think they may have an ulterior motive. Maybe Like Likes like Link lots. Maybe Like Likes, like, like him like him.
Also, I've heard Like Likes are often very friendly with each other. All Like Likes alike like being liked, and they like those who like them. Like Likes Like Likes like, like, like Like Likes.
Link killed the Like Likes. How unlikeable... er, sorry. That's all now! I mean it this time!
I guess that makes lots of sense!
Nope. Looks like crystals can't be broken with bombs... even though they can easily be shattered by a wooden sword. Or by a seed.
If you see a big, conspicuous button, you just can't not press it, you know?
As the owl hinted, these guys can't be hurt with the sword. Bombs are the only way, I think.
It turns out that I'm pretty bad at aiming bombs at things that are moving around, so while I was trying to beat these guys, I kept running out of bombs, and at one point I died. Go me, goby!
But eventually I triumphed! And was rewarded with a magnificent and fabulous... small key. Yay?
God, even the floor wants to kill me.
Once the floor finally gets over its little snit and stops hurling itself at Link, he can move on.
Come on, letting weeds grow all over your dungeon is just sloppy.
Link, weed whacker extraordinaire.
Hoshit, the plants are out for revenge! :O
As it turns out, I wasted my time going this way anyway: there's a locked door keeping me from going further. Argh.
Back here. Tumbling down a pit is the only way to progress.
- Aaah! An ambush!
Did they really think you could get the better of Link?
Curiouser and curiouser...
It's a door-triggering monster. No matter how many times I encounter such things, I just can't get used to it.
I mean, the very idea of making a door that will open if and only if monsters are killed is completely absurd. I also can't imagine that setting up such a system would be simple.
They can even make monsters that will instantly reappear when you reenter the room! Why are these mysterious dungeon designers wasting their time on things almost no one will ever even find? They could be using their genius to (dare I say it?) TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! AHAHAHAHA!
... well, I think it would be a good idea, anyway.
I mean, really. A conveyor belt that can't be accessed, apparently put there solely for the purpose of making it slightly difficult to hit a switch that turns on a statue that's blocking the way ahead. This is clearly the product of a deranged mind.
Another key from above. Maybe they're hidden in little panels in the ceiling that only open upon the completion of whatever insane condition has been set for that room.
Or maybe it's just because this is a video game, and I'm thinking way too hard about this.
Oh, and this chest appears out of nowhere when Link defeats that Armos statue, which just adds another layer of absurdity to this room. And did I mention that the statues can only be detroyed after they've been activated? Apparently they're only destructible sometimes. Okay then.
Anyway, back upstairs.
You know, in some games, destorying some special crystals could put the whole world in peril! This could be one of those games, for all Link knows!
Whatever. Now that I have a key, I can go this way. :D
An unlit torch, apparently floating in the middle of nothing. Perfectly normal.
The peach-colored things are Arm Mimics. They mirror every move Link makes. They do more damage than most normal monsters, but they're so easy to manipulate that they're really not a threat at all.
Yay, new equipment!
HMM. What to do.
I am brilliant.
Now to get that pesky bomb-resistant crystal.
Despite ostensibly being for attracting monsters, the main use for scent seeds is as ammunition. Other seeds have their own strange effects when shot (catching on fire, blowing things away, etc.), but scent seeds just hit things.
Okay, let's break things!
Doom is upon us!
More rumbling and a CRASH!
Um... that's it? Why isn't the dungeon falling apart around Link's ears? Laaaame.
Oh. The spinny-aroundy thing fell. How... nice. :/
And it didn't even have the courtesy to leave destruction in its wake. Instead it somehow left behind a chest and a perfectly intact floor. Sigh... I guess I'll just have to appease my destructive urges some other way.
Back downstairs, we see the dull, dull results of Link's crystal-breaking rampage. Yay, it's the spinny-aroundy thing. That's... great.
Putting my new tool to good use. Alternate explanation: setting things on fire just because they're there.
Through the power of omitting screencaps, I can pretend that I got this right away rather than failing over and over at hitting that second torch. Yes... I am amazing at this game, really.
Gasha seeds are a rather unusual color, aren't they? How many plants have bright blue seeds...?
Going around... the spinny-aroundy thing really does make things inconvenient.
Peahat, peahat! Why is it called that?
A door framed with ominous torches!
Oh no! However shall Link manage?!
Oh. That's how.
Subterror is far too silly-looking and weak to deserve even his somewhat corny but moderately fearsome name.
He's so easy to defeat that I didn't even get a shot of his one and only attack (drilling up at Link from underground).
And even if he does manage to damage Link, it's easy to dig up hearts while trying to unearth him.
Such a pushover. And can I add that I love the way bosses and minibosses explode? So satisfying.
This portal can be useful. More on that in a bit.
So close, and yet so far.
Now the spinny-aroundy thing is set the way I need it. So, let's walk...
All the way back to the beginning.
And now Link can finally access this passage. Actually, there's another way to go this way without using the portal, but... whatever. This is how I first figured out how to get there, and so I always use the portal.
The red belt-looking things rotate 45 degrees when Link steps on the swtch, then another 45 degrees when he steps off.
So. After wasting ten seeds, I'm thinking maybe this isn't the right way to go about this.
Much better.
Now I finally go this way (north of the room that Link falls into through the pit).
Those plants grow back. Probably because if you ran out of seeds here, you could get stuck if there wasn't a way to get more.
Plonk. Bridge switch.
La-di-da, lots of fiddling with switches and bridges about which I can't think of anything interesting to say.
Finally! Onward to battle!
Gasp! It's the Shadow Hag!
Huh? I can see who you are just fine. And I refuse to believe that any shadow of mine would wear such a silly wig.
It's like a nightmare...
The Shadow Hag first splits herself into four shadows and tries to converge on Link. Not too hard to avoid.
Then... she sends out BUTTERFLIES! Oh noes!
Behind you, Link! :O
If Link turns to face her while she's in her true form, she'll sink back into the floor, so instead... well, I think you can see. Ricochet!
But from Link's perspecitive, he's just shooting blindly at the wall and getting off some very lucky shots. Pretty amazing guy, huh?
And so on. You can see I've been a little clumsy here, but really, she's not too tough. The butterflies drop seeds when killed, so you can't possibly run out of ammo.
Out with a bang.
Is that what a howl looks like? Huh...
Essence get! It must be Maku Tree time~!
Huh? What's this?
Oh. The queen and her lover Evil Naryu.
But she's really a nice queen who only thinks of her people. Of course. Right.
Pan up.
My. It's getting pretty tall, ain't it?
Now it's Maku Tree time.
Yes, right now! In the past!, okay, whatever you say, Maku Tree.
"Terrible, terrible things! ^_^"
Okay! Normally I'd end the episode right after completing the dungeon, but first I have someone I want to show you.
Yes, that's definitely a fish. Obviously.
Mm, mm. Let's get a fish fry going! Yummy!
Shush, you tasty morsel. Don't make me feel bad about wanting to eat you!
Ah... well... I do feel kinda bad for it...
Well, if excitement is what you're looking for, I guess I can't refuse~
I can't wait for you to taste it either.
And they rush off, presumably to cartoonishly dive into some cool water and drink a bunch of it up, or something.
All mine now. (Link pulls out his silverware, ties a napkin around his neck...)
Oh! It talks!
Um... yes... that would be great. (Link guiltily hides his eating utensils behind his back.)
How very informative. All right, let's go, dinner Dimitri.
All these sea screens look pretty much the same...
Dimitri can eat plants. But far more useful is that he can eat monsters whole. Pretty convenient, especially for monsters that would normally take more than one hit to kill.
Just demonstrating another of Dimitri's abilities. He looks pretty cute all curled up like that.
Just wandering.
D'aww, Dimitri. I really think he's just too cute. Okay, I'll stop wandering, I guess.
Nooo, don't leave me! ;_;
*sniff* Well, m-maybe I'll see you later then, Dimitri?
So alone...
But I won't be for long! Pretty soon, Link will get the ability to call up one of these animals to come help him anytime. And I want to ask if you guys have any preferences about which one Link gets as his companion. Moosh is the default in Ages, but it's also possible to get Ricky or Dimitri. I usually go for Dimitri, but really, I like all of them. So... help me decide? It doesn't change too much, but still, I'd like to know what you want. Should it be...
Moosh, the flying blue bear?
Ricky, the transgendered kangaroo?
Or Dimitri, the adorable Dodongo?
Please tell me. I'm terrible at making decisions.