everybody's free.. to wear sunscreen

Jun 17, 2007 12:47

so here it is. my first livejournal entry as a Thronton Academy graduate of 2007. scary. i never thought i would ever be able to say that i did it. i graduated. i succeeded and didnt fail at something and even though it sucked at times and was turly scary, i got through it. all of it. lol. wow. i think im still in shock over it. i've been working alot since school ended. its hard but its rewarding when i get my paycheck.. that is until i have to pay my bills. lol. i have my first car. graduation gift from my dad. an 87 monticarlo chevrolet coupe. i dont have my lisence but i have a car. lol. weirdness. i can't waite to get my liscene that way i can truely be free. i can drive to the park or walmart, ambers or rachels, or my favorite place... mcdonalds. lol. im a chunky what can i say. i leave the 25 for police academy week long thingy. again who would have thought that id be aspiring to be a police officer. me, miss non-violent, complient. i think we all change somehow and ive jsut relalised that final, the world although as good as it is isnt as good and rose colored as i thought. maybe im just jaded now. who knows. but i always wanted to help people and this is the biggest way i know how to. fall classes start the 27th at smcc. im tryignto sign up for online courses but i dont any info on my finaid. so i may not be bale to. but im going in jan. i just hope i can make it, that way i can go on to police academy. ive been talking to three people from my past whom i havent talked to in months. people whom i thought i was over. talking to them makes me realise tha ti am over them. that they are the ones who have actualy helped me beome whom i am today not sure if that is a good or bad thing. im content with my life for the most part. im happy with EJ.i mean i have tobe. lol. im going to be marrying him in like two years. thats scary. me miss non-commitment is getting hitched. everybody keeps asking me why i am or that im too young. age has nothing to do with love. . love has no since of time or reason. its just unexplanable. *sigh* i dono. everythings scary it's so uncertain. i mean what happens if ej leaves for bootcamp which he is on the 23 of july and figures out that he doesnt want to be with me. then all my plans are ruined. or what if i suck at colge or someing happens that hinders my chance of becomin a cop then i have to start from scrath. i just wish that i could look in the future and see what its gonna be like. dont you? i think everybody does. well that's enough for today. im gonna go relax before work. maybe ill wirte more tonight. not sure yet.
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