k, so basically there arent that many pictures of last weekend because i was either to durnk to remember to take pictures, o rsome of them are just HORRIBLE drunk pics...lol. you girls know what i mean. but so basically this was the fun we had over the past few days, adn im excited for it.
thr girls on saturday night at a random party where we had to look for a huge football tign in the yard to find the party....more on that later.
get it sabrina! haha, they ahd to grab my purse for me...out of the middle of the road cuz i was drunk and left it on the car. im retarded. haha these girls ar to much fun
HAHAHAA, whats so funny? is it the guy who kept talkign abotu the stars?? and alyssa, now we know ur a freak and all, throwing up the shocker while your drinking the 40
i made sweet sweet love to the football guy we had to find. told you thered be more abotu him
you know your faded when...
you start having more fun in the bathroom then outside with the actual party, HAHA
we. are. so. odd.
so random story: drunk covo starts with guys. foudn otu that they had just come from the FIRST party we were at. eating in mission valley. we had just come from the proindae. i duno it was way random to us. so there. and we had fun names, especially april.
HORRIBLE DRUNK PIC. but i know some of u just got a quick chuckle...i know i did!
i love me some fast bikes, with even faster girls! j/k, we done even know whos bike that was.
this bike is more doms style....LOL.
oh man, i was so excited abotu lat weekend. the parties were so much fun. LOVE YOU GUYS!