Jun 29, 2005 09:29
I finally watched the movie hostage lastnight. It's been at my house for like two weeks and I have wanted to see it since it was in the theater but never had the time. I thought it was a really good movie. When my dad told me it was just alright the other day I thought that I was going to be disappointed, however it was very good. It had a lot of twisted symbolizations with underlining meanings. I don't know it was somewhat predictable but the way it was portrayed it was done really well.
So as of recent I have brought Sublime back into a little revival. Such an amazing band, happy great sound fun lyrics how can one ever forget them.
I have a critique today in photography, supposedly the hardest one this class cause its three pictures of objects blah blah blah and my boards arent really in the condition I'd like them to be so... i hope I still do well.