Jul 31, 2005 22:39
I'm gonna update now starting with friday coz its where I left off...
I think friday I didnt do ne thing except go to work. I had work from 4-11. I was there for about 45 mins then all of a sudden the power went off!!! haha it was great since we cant cook food in the dark and our phones are hooked up to the computer screens they dont work. It was sooo boring but the power was out for about 2 hours. And after that we didnt even get that busy. It was nice while the power was out Becky, nick, jeff, and I all went to the pool hall and played pool! It was fun coz we were all getting paid! lol Some shit went down on friday night with eddie and I dont know what I'm gonna do. Believe me guys, I really love him but because I'm such a whore and put out when I was high. Not that type of put out. lol and because I love to just hang out with him and I ask him if he wants to hang out he automatically assumes that thats all I wanna do. I'm kicking myself right now for doing that. I told him I hated him and I didnt wanna talk with him ever again because hes just as worse as ryan. All guys suck!
Anyway saturday I really didnt do ne thing but because I have been drinking coffee now I havent been able to get to sleep at a decent time. When I say decent I mean like 3am. lol it more like 5-6:30 with the coffee. So with that said I woke up around 2:30 on saturday. lol I hate it. My schedule is all messed up and even though I love the taste of coffee (because I had a dream that I drank some and I liked it in my dream which made me wanna try it) I dont think I can drink ne more. At least not at 1 am. lol Saturday night morgan, sarah, egypt, and I all went down to a party somewhere near college park! lol I think its safe to say that I drank waaay too much. lol because at the end of the night I was nothing but tired and all I wanted to do was lay down. lol we didnt leave till like 3:30 in the morning at least I think so, but I think it was closer to 4. and we got home around 5:30. lol The party was pretty fun and everyone there was really nice and cool. It was just "chill." lol
I didnt wake up today till about 2:30 either but that was because I was drunk. I prolly could have waken up earlier if I didnt drink. lol and They called me into work today. I really dont know why I said I would come in but I need the money so I guess I'll take it. lol When I came into work today of course I was late lol and jeff... the mean guy who drinks alot and when he drinks he beats his g/f called me a bitch for no reason. whatever I'm glad I decided to just let that go because I found out something (to me) that was shocking. Last night at work jeff was working and he was drunk! which is a big no no! lol and he was hollering at everyone telling them what to do and how to do it, even to this new guy who had been there for about a week. I felt so sorry for him. lol and after becky told me that story, it made me really scared of him. He was playing pool after work and he came in to get some food and I was so scared of him that I didnt even wanna look at him. I mean I know hes prolly only like that when hes drunk but its still scary. Its actually really scary when you think about how alochol can change someones personality completely. I mean yea jeff isnt the nicest guy but when hes sober he doesnt really yell that much and when he does its all good fun/joking. I think its something that runs in the family in order for him to get violent when hes drunk??? I dunno... and who cares. I feel so sorry for his g/f she is so nice and I really feel sorry for her kids. It must be like hell to live with something like that. Actually I've met her son and he doesnt really show emotion. Maybe hes just shy. I dunno lol
anyways, I've been thinking about some things and I'm getting restless. I'm tired of it and I dont really feel like dealing with it ne more and I'm starting to wonder if this "friend" of mine is really a true friend. I thought that we would always be good friends but it doesnt seem that way now does it. I'm thinking about just talking to her and just laying it all out so 1) I can get it off my chest and it wont be building up inside of me like a volcano waiting to erupt and 2) so she knows how I feel and maybe we can make this better again. But honestly, I'm not sure if she really cares.
I've talked too much... katch ya on da flip side bitches!