Actually, most of these we have already heard - when you look at them all together though, you realise just how many of the best lines were cut.
One from the Visual Guide: 'Like all pirates, Jack believes that "rum gets you through times of no money better than money gets you through times of no rum."'
Jack: I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
Jack: Why'd that eviscerated simian have to be the only thing to survive Isla de Muerta?
Jack: Inevitable outcome of la vie de boucanier.
Parrot: Don't eat me!
Will: I'm not even hungry.
Parrot: DON'T EAT ME!
Will: Look, you're nothing but feathers and bones and you probably taste like pigeon. -Sorry. That was uncalled for.
Governor Swann: She was always a wilful child.
Jack: That was a roundabout way to get to the answer.
Tia Dalma: Sauce for the gander, Jack.
Davy Jones: As has been the case before, I am oddly compelled to listen to you.
Gibbs: Nothing better happen to me.
Jack: I make no promises.
Davy Jones: You are a desperate man. You are the one who hopes to get married. But your fate is to be married to this ship.
Will: I choose my own fate.
Davy Jones: Then it wouldn't be fate, would it?
Jack: I like marriage! It's like a wager on who will fall out of love first.
Norrington: Better mad with the rest of the world than sane alone.
Jack: Gibbs, is your throat tight?
Gibbs: Aye.
Jack: Your heart beats fast, your breath is short, you have an acute awareness of the vulnerability of your own skin?
Gibbs: Aye! Aye!
Jack: I fear you suffer from the malady of intense and overwhelming fear.
Bootstrap Bill: If any man could beat the devil, I'd have thought it would be you.