I feel like it’s going to be a crappy day, especially after an extremely crappy night of waking up every two hours and not falling asleep for another hour. I don’t know what’s going on.
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Manaf is back from Greece and he’ll be leaving to move to New York in just under a week and I can’t help but feel like I’m losing my best friend *sticks bottom lip out* I know we’re planning to get together one last time before his leave, but I’m gonna miss him terribly. Even though in the last five years, while we’ve been away at our respective colleges and really, just a few hours away, we haven’t seen each as much as either one of us would’ve liked, we could always count on seeing each other every time we were both home. I know he was/is always a phone call away - except now, we’ll have to take into account the time difference of 3 hours… I ono. I guess I’m just being a baby, really. I just wish the best friend and I could have/could spend more time together.
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I’m looking forward to going back to Vegas, although I know once classes start up again, I’ll want to be back home, or at least away from all the craziness of the program. Regardless though, I still need to determine what exactly my plans are for next semester, and that’s not really something I’m ready to sit down and think about just quite yet.
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Things at home have been, for the most part, bearable. Mom & I have had a few issues, the most recent one being just a few days ago. And while that wasn’t a *piercing horrible argument/disagreement/attack at me as a person* it did get me thinking of an option I thought about in great depth back in May. And that says a lot.
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I hate having a boring summer
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ASCP papers still haven’t arrived yet, and I’m starting to get just a little antsy and worried. They said within 6 weeks, and I know it’s only be 4 weeks… but STILL.