Apr 04, 2007 23:46
It's the random, cute, small sentimental thoughts I love.
I am sooooo glad I took pictures of the photo-album/scrapbook I made for Eric this last Christmas before giving it to him. I haven't looked at it/seen it since December and browsing through the pictures of the book now - it brings my lips to a smile. I really love that album.
Anyways, while going through the pics, I came up with the idea that would allow me to be creative every year: I could put together a yearly scrapbook/photoalbum with all the pictures we take throughout the respective year (duh). It would give me an excuse to take more pictures and also let me be creative and have fun with the pictures instead of just simply storing them all on my computer or CD's.
So I told Eric my idea and his response was: "really now.... well, I have a better idea"
His idea is that since he'll (theoretically) be attending Sac State next year & we'll be seeing a lot more of each other, we should put together a yearly photo album - together.
What a surprise that was. I mean, I LOVE the idea! I'm just surprised he thought of it, ya know? When I first thought it out in my head, I was just thinking, selfishly, of myself - and putting together the album together alone and then surprising him with it on New Year's eve. But I love his idea soo much more!
The little sentimental things like that... they're priceless.
Now I can't wait till December!
*our butterflies*,