Happy First Saturday of College Football!

Aug 30, 2014 17:31

That subject has nearly nothing to do with my entire post. Of course, I am thrilled that it is college football season again. One of my teams, Oregon State, has already won it's first match up the season. My second #2 time, Texas, kicks off now, but I can't watch the game because I don't have the Longhorn Network (LAME!). My undisputed #1 team, Oregon Ducks, doesn't kick off for another two hours and thirty minutes. It's still sooooo far away!! I really dislike late games, I prefer them to start around 1pm or 3pm.

Anyway....I had a pretty big scare earlier this week when I knocked pop onto my laptop keyboard. I will admit that there were tears and a lot of kicking myself, but I am happy to say that I am using said computer and it appears to be working! *knock on wood* I looked online, asked my brother, and texted someone who has worked on my laptop to find out what to do and it was all basically 'let your computer dry out'. So my computer spent the last two and a half days sitting upstairs on the dining room table upside down. That meant that all I had was my tablet and my cell phone. My cell phone I love, but my tablet... let's just say, I will always prefer a computer/tablet if I can use a mouse with it.

I supposed to be working on a fic right now for a fest I signed up for, but I am having the worst luck with my muse. I have all these grand ideas, but I don't really like any of them. That's been happening a lot lately and it's really stressful. It makes writing not fun, which really sucks, because I used to write so much and love it!

So instead of writing fanfic, I've been crafting and I even started a blog for it. It's called Serial Crafter Confessions and it's currently on Wordpress. I've also set it up on blogger cause I wasn't sure I liked the way Wordpress did the setup, but now that I've got a more custom look to the Wordpress blog, I think I like it more. It's mostly cards so far, but there will be other things on there eventually.

My goal for this weekend is to get the area behind my computer/craft area all picked up and organized. I'd love to get to my room this weekend too, but I don't think that is going to happen.

Since this post has become a 'let's check up' one, I guess I'll mention that I am also going fast food free in September. That means that if I can get it through a drive thru, I can't eat it. I've developed a bad habit of stopping for dinner on my way home from work, usually Wendy's. My main excuse this summer was that it was just too hot to cook, but I'm calling bullshit on myself. I plan on cooking on weekends and freezing meals. So I can still have a "quick meal" and not having to put too much effort into food.

blog: serial crafter confessions, personal, no fast food september

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