Christmas In Review

Dec 25, 2015 21:57

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas... mine was that I mean, I got sick and spent most of the day in bed.

We did our normal thing this year and spent Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family. Of course, we were horribly late to church becuase there was a 5 car accident outside of our city that had traffic backed up on the freeway for like 9 miles. So we took a different route that required an additional like 45 minutes of driving. It was worth it, though, because I love my mom's side of the family. We were all there, except for my brother's fiancee, and my little cousins were totally into Christmas.

[Side story: My youngest girl cousin, Katherine, is 2 1/2 and she came with my aunt and uncle (her grandparents) when they came up to celebrate my birthday and we put Finding Nemo on for her. So at Thanksgiving when she saw me she said 'I want to watch Nemo' and last night, we ran into her and her daddy in the lobby at church and it took her a moment to figure out who was calling her name but then she was like 'I want to watch nemo'. Makes me smile, because she is starting to get enough memories together to remember us.]

The older kids, 6 and 5 1/2, were totally into opening presents, especially the 6 year old. He kept wanting to open more. And the 1 1/2 year old is so articulate it's amazing. The other kids weren't that way, but he was saying 'Merry Christmas' and 'ho ho ho' and all sorts of other little things while grinning with his super chubby cheeks. My cousin says he has the speaking ability of a 3 year old (which is about right... he talks more and almost communicates better than the 2 1/2 year old), but he still has the emotional level of a 1 1/2 year old. She said that it's both a blessing and a curse because he can get upset really quickly. She gave an example of him telling her he wanted a hamburger for breakfast and getting super upset when his only option was oatmeal.

Anyway... we stayed with them while they opened their presents (which was hilarious when my cousin's husband opened his secret santa gift from his future sister-in-law [my cousin's financee] to find new underwear... and that same cousin's husband got his mother-in-law [my mom's sister] a gift certificate for a restaruant with 'hot momma's or something like that in the name because they're the only ones that like chicken wings in the family). But it was on our way home that I realized I had a massive headache and wasn't feeling too good.

We got home and my mom and a friend that is living with us wrapped a bunch of presents and then I took medicine and went to bed. And I woke up feeling worse. I did the stuff I had to do before we gathered for presents at 8 and then I went with my family to my grandparents house for presents at 10 and then I came home and went back to bed.

I still haven't decided if it was just my sinuses acting up massively or if I had a touch of the flu or some virus thing. But I was an emotional wreck. We're talking, tears in my eyes and getting choked up when ever I opened my mouth to talk. The only good thing about that is that it helped clear up some of the sinus congestion I was feeling... but still... it sucked. I skipped Christmas dinner and just stayed home and laid on the couch.

I didn't get a lot of stuff for Christmas... but that really isn't the point of it all, is it? Everything that I made was received with awe and praise. It brought a smile to my face and made all the hard work worth it. Two of the gifts I got (well one of them has yet to be ordered) will make my card making easier. I got this awesome tool call the MISTI stamp tool and I can't wait to use it! And the other gift will be a new 'hand made by Becca' stamp or something along those lines. I just have to pick out the one I want.

I'll end this with showing off a couple of the things I've finished and haven't posted yet.

These are the string art pieces I did as presents: the states are Oregon (upper left), Washington (lower left) and Indiana (lower right). The anchor was for my dad and is part anchor/part cross.

These are some of the cards that I made this year. I hadn't planned on making all square cards but that is waht happened.

I also did some fun gift tags for all but one of the gifts I gave today. Most of them were colored either with copic markers or colored pencils. The Stormtrooper and the nativty ones, however, were downloaded from the internet and I just added glitter and glossy accents to them. I loved how they turned out and they can really be used as ornaments.

I think that's it for tonight though. Despite getting 6 hours of sleep last night plus a two hour nap and additional hours just laying around, I'm ready to go to bed and go back to sleep. Here's hoping I wake up tomorrow morning feeling like myself!

show and tell, christmas

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