shy_mizuno Pairing: Sakuraiba
Genre: Drabble/Humor
Rating: G
Disclaimer: If Johnny's were mine...well, I wouldn't be doing this, would I?
Summary: Sho was surprised when Aiba was so calm after learning he could never play the saxophone again.
Golden, with the brightest reflection. That was how Aiba kept his sax. And for some time, it would stay in such a way.
Sho was...surprised, as he sat beside his lover, the doctor saying in remorse that the beautiful instrument could never be touched again. Surprised at how calm, how well Aiba took the news. Sho expected him to mean, ask why, to comlain in some way or another. Nothing.
Until five days later.
Sho walked into the apartment, shivering at its eerie quietness. Since they came home, Aiba was told to rest, and so he husseled against the small quarters. But today, nothing. Not even a bird's chirp. It was all too quiet.
But then, he heard it. Light sniffling. No, light sobbing. Heavy sobbing.
Slowly, he walked towards the bedroom, opening the door in the same fashion. The sight upon him stole his breath.
Stuffing thrown everywhere, bits of pillows left somewhere. Blankets threwn every which way, the bed practically torn in two. The television was smashed the ground, the lamps joining it. The bureau tipped over, shrudded into woodchips. In the midst, Aiba curled with that brown stuffed dog, the only thing still in tact.
Carefully, Sho made his way over, taking Aiba in his arms as the other cried. Aiba latched onto him as if he was his oly lifeline. That what he was, anyway.
"It's not fair." He repeated over and over.
Sho couldn't say anything and that was okay. A broken apartment could be fixed with words. But a broken Aiba could only be fixed with Sho.