Not a horrible day.

Nov 21, 2004 22:41

So today wasnt much of a bad day. I didnt really think about many things and trust me it took a lot of work. Not that i didnt think about things at all but i had a few things to help kinda keep my mind off them. I worked a for a few hours made some extra cash. Although its never "Extra" lol. Then i went to store k-mart actually to pick up some things. I got myself some hygiene things like deodorant, a new toothbrush and this awesome baby lotion that was on sale. My friend stephen had bought it a while ago and it was just really great its for bedtime and seriously does relax you. I figure i can put some in a lil squeeze bottle and use it at work because from touching papers all day. You know paper cuts and dust and the feel of paper for long periods of time eww.Anyhew i know some people are thinking dirty thoughts about the lotion so eww to you! lol Anyway its just good stuff. Puts you to sleep and smells oh so good :). Then i came home for dinner a lil late and that wasnt very good cause all the good stuff was eaten :(. Then i went to best buy for like 10mins. then came home and went to the movies with my family to see The Spongebob Squarepants Movie! lol it was funny. NOt as funny as i thought it might be but funny enough. My youngest sister really enjoyed it so it was fun to watch her reactions. HMM i guess the best news i heard all day and for awhile tho is that my friend is able to go home to atlanta for christmas to see his family. Thats really awesome. Im really happy for him. He got a few days off which is enough for the purpose.
Ok im done for now i guess.

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