Why am I here?

Apr 10, 2011 17:42

A little while ago, one of my friends got me hooked on a couple of new shows and their related fan-fic. She's been into fan-fic for many years, but I had just never started reading any. Of course, once I started, I couldn't stop. That was fine -- I read a lot, and I've been enjoying this as much as anything else I read, so everything was great. Until I was attacked by a plot bunny.

Now, I've tried writing occasionally in the past. It's, well, it's been bad. In that "I'm ashamed to admit to myself that I'm associated with this crap" sort of bad. I've certainly never inflicted it on anyone else. However, killer ninja plot bunnies of DOOM are not to be denied. I couldn't get the stupid thing out of my head, so in desperation, I started thinking about how it would go. I figured that it would turn into my usual drek, I'd get bored, and that would be the end of things. Except that it didn't work that way. I started scripting the story out in my head, and it wasn't bad. Unfortunately, I still couldn't stop thinking about it. I spent most of my commute time refining the idea, as it grew from a fluffy ficlet into a moderately angsty multi-chapter story. Finally, I decided that it might go away if I just wrote it down. Really, then I would see that it was crap and let it go. I started writing that story, and it was joined by a couple of other stories. I was moderately surprised to find that they weren't complete crap. In fact, after a few rewrites and modifications, a couple of them became something I might actually want to show someone.

Now I had a real problem. The only people I know who are into fan-fic have been into it for years. They have pretty high standards, and their tastes differ a bit from mine. I wasn't sure I wanted to show my first fledgling stories to them, but I really didn't want to show them to friends who weren't into fan-fic at all. Shy-dragon is, well, shy! So I'm setting up this account to give public writing a try. If I'm the only one who thinks this stuff isn't crap, I can keep it to myself. If other people like it, it will be easy enough to share with my friends who might be interested.

I hope you like what you read! Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.


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