Apr 29, 2012 21:30
I've been a real schlub lately about not writing or re-posting or even replying to people's comments. The worst of it is that I don't even have a good reason for why I've been doing this. I have some good ideas, and some pieces that are nearly completed. I've even had a few people ask about sequels to a recent story, which is just incredible. Work has been demanding (we're coming up on the end of our fiscal year), but it's not like I've been putting in extra hours. Home life busyness comes and goes, but no more than usual. Mostly, it's just that time has been getting away from me a lot lately -- it's almost May, and I'm still trying to figure out what happened to March.
I need to get into the habit of working on this regularly. Darn it, this is something I enjoy doing! I'm better at it than I expected, and I'm rather proud of what I've done. So why is it so hard to make myself actually do it??