Ideas and Ideas

Oct 15, 2007 23:16

So yesterday I wrote down 40 geeky fandoms and things and decided I will turn each and every one into a cake, cupcake, or cookie. I can't believe it took me so long to think this up. Why shouldn't I combine my extreme geekyness with my passion for baking? Seriously, I had so much fun making cookies that were nerdily delicious.

Speaking of geekyness, I went to go see The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising. The previews seemed really good and when I found out Christopher Eccleston (*hearts*) was in the movie, I was completly sold. But, the movie was pretty disappointing. Now if there is one truth about me, it's that I adore, obsess, and love fantasy movies. It doesn't even matter if it's cheesy, had bad actors, or just plain silly; I'll more then likely fall in love with it. One thing I don't like is being bored. This one seriously bored me. The bad guy (played by Eccleston) was fantastic though. I thought I was being biased but a non-biased friend thought the same thing. I mean, the acting was fine, the story showed promise, Eccleston!!, but it just wasn't good.

Er... just found out my dad's Aunt passed away. I visited her a while back on my trip to NY and Canada. Not only that, my other Aunt just gave birth to the newest addition to the Hardy clan. All in the same day. Crazy how things happen, huh?

Well I gotta go! I'm working on a Family Scrapbook thing. Luckily I have a family who are against having flowers and pretty patterns. We're creating a family crest and it will have a demon, a skull, a guitar... and a bunny. Can you guess who the bunny symbolizes? xD

movie review, rambling, crafts, baking, family news, christopher eccleston

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