well....its been a good 3 years of being with *LJ* ive made some pretty kick ass friends, im sure we'll keep in contact over the years (HOPEFULLY!) you all have definatly helped me out through some fucked up shit!! maybe ill come back & maybe youll find me ;)
if you need me though,
you can reach me @
aim: BaroofXO
email: baroofxxoo@yahoo.com
http://www.myspace.com/baroofxo *SpeCiaL ShoUtoUtS/ThanK YoUS!!*
(if i forget you, IM SORRY! ♥
1xhayx6: ooh wow....soo much fucking shit has gone down with us...its kindof fucked up, but im soo glad that we've gone through it all together =) you know im always here to listen to your *SHIT* as i like to call it, and i know for a fact youre always there to listen to my sex*life and what not =P we have some amazing inside jokes & memories, thnx HaLeY hAlEy . ThE oNlY lAdIe I aDoRe . HalEy!!
3ternalprimat3: ooh! my undrunken/drunken brad!! im positive we'll talk again, im sure ill leave a comment or two on your journal just to tell you im alive haha (since youre NEVER online anymore!!) its been amazing to get to know you, and have our laughs, talks, and what not (hehe) be prepared for some drunken phone calls soon buddy! hehehe...i deserve some too! the one up in michigan was *BULLSHIT!* <3
aburry0202: AMMMMMMMMBURRY! i made up this fucking username for you! hahaha, thnx for always being there for me in physical science when my high ass would acutally go!! ahh, im sure we'll see eachother sooner or later, i love you to death, you know im here girrl. even though, i know you can take care of yourself cause *YOUS A BADAAAASSSSSS* =) love ya sweetie <3
all_4_alyssa: this username will always crack me up. i know youll never read this, but maybe one day ill bug ya enough to get your ass online!! hehehe. well care, what a fucking rollarcoaster ride we've been on together....all the way back in the day of *Brownies!* omgosh, and i was one of the little pigs, and you were the wolf! ooh, the elementry school days, i can prolly start balling my eyes out just wishing to go back to those days.....back then it was kickball, milk chugging contests, circle circle dot dot now i got my coodies shot, when i was a good kid (NAHH! THAT NEVER HAPPEND!), eating whatever the fuck you wanted. now its, anarbol, anarbol, smoking, drinking, cigarettes, guys, sex, anarbol, shopping, working, responsibility, anarbol, peter peter pussy eaters. hahaha, well, im sorry, but i have to get all fresh here but, *I FUCKING LOVE YOU MAN.....YOU HAD ME AT HELLO....YOU HAD ME AT HELLO* hehehehe
bibi_143: hey girl, we've known eachother for a while, glad we're both on *myspace* together...ill see you there, its been good having a couple talks wit ya !! <3
bobfloyd: WE STILL TALK! hahaha....we'll prolly talk til one of us dies....im glad we both get along well, and ive always loved talkin to ya!!
ciccio73: youve always flattered me, and have always gotten me to blush!! and i know youve been waiting for this.....
just for you =) see ya on *myspace*!!
dahoney: ahhhhh!! youve honestly, been one of my BIG BIG friends on lj!! youve always been there when i really need an LJ friend, and a fucking friend in general!! youre an amazing girl. i know i havent commented on your journal, but that doesnt mean ive been lurking!!!!!!!!!! i wish that you didnt feel like youve wasted your college years away, YOU HAVENT! and if you feel like its a mistake, you should KNOW that we all learn from our mistakes!! keep your head up, always have the face towards the sun, and the wind at your back....dont ever let anyone fucking kick you down, and if they try, you kick them the FUCK down girl...i know you can do it!! good luck with matt and if you ever need me, you know the SN ^^ <3
detroitmaggot: well well...hehehe. its been almost 8 years.....fucking CRAZY! soo many laughs, tears, fights, late night talks, a couple *moments* here and there, wishes on stars, inside jokes, scares, goodbyes, sorrys, IM BACKS, and so on. even though we dont talk much, and im prolly a bitch majority of the time, i want to say *THANK YOU* for being there through the biggest bullshit a man can go through!! hahaha. ahh just TOO much has gone down with us, FUCKED UP. thnx for dealing with me the second time @ Motel 6 with me puking black stuff (???????) in the tub (hahahaha).....good times babe. *GOOOOOOOOD TIMES* we better see eachother again...well DUHHH we will! i still owe you a visit =)
elissakall: thnx for always twalkin to me! youre amazing!! love ya lots & ill miss you! come join myspace girl!!
fatal_femme: i hope people have stopped copying your pictures!! youre fucking gorgeous, ive always been jealous of you!! hahaha....i wish you & your husband&baby all the luck in the world ~ you deserve it !!
fujackass24585: QUIT YOUR BITCHIN! haha, some very interesting times with you. thnx for having to deal with me most of your senior year hahaha...it was fun though, back in the old days of jessi's house, when i used to get FUCKED UP hahahahaha. member those? hahaha. fuuun times. youre a great kid, and fucking HILARIOUS!!!!!
glass_doll: ooh my lover, youre amazing! im glad youre on *myspace* ya keep me company on therre! hahaha love ya, see ya therrr <3
lilmurfy33: you crazy girl MEEEEEEEE*SHELLLLLLLL! love ya lots, youre an amazing girl, never ever change!!! you fucking rock and thats the bottom line. keep youre head up, and never let a soul let you down. dont allow it one bit! cause youre fucking better than that person & you better know it!! im always here to listen & help, you know that <33
miss_xtine: <~isnt that the nickname i came up for you girl?! hahaha. wow christine, 3years of friendship! and Soo many more to come...we honestly need to get together!! you have always made me smile (and been my favorite out of you&monica hahahaha jk!) im glad we've gone through what we've gone through, a couple partying together here and there, endless nights online together talking about everything&anything, being able to trust eachother with EVERYTHING!, laughing, prolly a couple cries, and much more!! im glad you gotta *myspace* we'll prolly be better on there anyway!!! <3
mookow1810: hey girl! im glad you gotta *myspace* youre fucking amazing & smoking a lot of pot & are hot & i love ya to death! see ya therrrrrre <33
my_deadly_foe: youre adorable! i loove talking to you online!! cant wait to hear from you again!!
nomoremsnice: hey you fucking hot ass bitch! youll still hear from me :) dont worry bout that! love ya lots though girrrrrl & get a *myspace*!! <3
oakview53: ever since i saw you in the 420luv community, ive always admired you. youre amazing & crazy. and i love all of it!! youre beautiful&envied...remember that!! <3
shxthappens: (YEAH ME! ~ i deserve some type of credit) FUCKED UP what ive gone through hahaha. soo many livejournals too! hahaha, it all started cause of *BLURTY.COM*!!! the only one that i think carried over with me was HEATHER*CHAOS!!!!!!!!!! so much shit ive seen, said, heard, tried, ALL OF IT!!! i have soo much more to learn&experience, and im willing&ready to do it all! im not scared anymore, and im feeling pretty good. even though you feel like youre in a hole, and never get out of it, i feel, that there is Always tomorrow, and tomorrow can always be a better day. but its only your choice to make it better. <33
skankishlywhore: hey hottie! thank God youre on *myspace* ill see you there girly girrrrrl!! <3
startwith_e: youre hot. and thats all there is to it! ill see ya on *myspace* girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl!
tattedupgirlie: jess! omgosh, i love you girrrl. you are a beautiful girl & fucking amazing!!! good*luck with brad, you two definatly deserve eachother like no other! GET A MYSPACE GIRRRRRRRRL! <3
tigertd33: hey big bro! thnx for always giving me those hugs&kisses! ive always need every single one ya given me!! ill see you on *myspace* boyyy <3
too_short_4_yoo: LEA!!!!!! ooh lea! soo much has happend! to your mom screaming at you&me at brownies, to you having your honda civic.......>>crying<< we're growing up soo fast lea!! hahaha. im glad we're the bestest of friends & we'll always love eachother. SOO MANY MEMORIES & SOO MANY MORE TO COMEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33
tropically: heather!!! youve been my #1 friend on Blurty, Myspace && Livejournal!!! love you soo much **MY TWIN** we'll be friends forever, i know it :) sending christmas cards to eachother and all of our families in 30 years! hahaha. love ya sweetie pie <3 se ya on *myspace*
wings05: my big sis! keleigh! youre amazing! and beautiful! and i still have your senior pictures!! =) good luck with life, i hope to talk to you soon! get a myspace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and add me =)
bye guys...thnx for everything...
see ya round sometime ♥