Nov 26, 2009 22:45
Okay. So today started out well; I woke up and was swept into Thanksgiving preparations. Everything was good and fine in the world, and I felt like I might get a puppy from sheer goodness.
Then I decided to try playing the Twilight sheet music I got a few weeks ago.
The sheet music in question is for Bella's Lullaby, from the first movie (and possibly the second; I haven't watched it yet and so can't say). The first two sets of chords for the left hand are a bit of a stretch (I can barely play them), but still doable, and the right hand's just melody, so there's no problems there.
Then I hit measure three.
I can barely reach the A-E-B/A-E-A chords in the first two measures (which span nine keys, inclusive), so all plans of trying to play the song are derailed by the C-G-D/C-G-E combination. Even stretching hard I can barely touch the top and bottom keys of the chord - and that's along the base of the keys and not in proper playing position.
Now, if you have bigger hans, you can probably stretch and make it or play it with no problem. But for everyone else, the sheet music version I'm usiing is just another reason to be annoyed with Twilight.
Notes: Letter names assigned using 'middle C' as a baseline.
random real-life things,
twilight series