He's a good singer don't get me wrong but his last performance was boring and empty as my current sex life!
I really wanted Dia to win~ Her voice was original and refreshing. Sure it sounded very Norah Jones but not really at the same time.
But really the best part of the episode was Christina's attitude.
Amen sister. Amen...
On other news. I went to this wicked awesome movie theatre in Thailand today to watch Transformer 3. Mind you because of 2 I wasn't so excited and let's be real not many movies that has come out has really made use of the 3D function and yet still want to sell it 3 D...
Well... turns out I was very wrong. First the theatre was awesome (because it was luxurious). You sit in these comfort ass seats that convert to a bed where you can watch your movie in comfort. Think First Class for cinema. No really. There weren't much people, it was very nicely spaced. Basically it's your own home theatre for that movie!
Why can't I find this in New York?
Anyhow the movie. As I mentioned I was scared to watch it because it was well: Michael Bay, 3D and the previous one was terrible.
Aside from Michael Bay the other two worked out PERFECTLY in fact this is perhaps the first 3D movie that I enjoyed! He actually made use of the idea of 3D and infused a lot of it in the movie (well I don't really know if its him alone that should hold the credits for the ingenuity)!!! You get the moments shown from a (my god my cinema vocab is pathetic uhh ) omono basically the one person view. And yea I sound redundant but that man made use of the technology!!!
Almost makes me want to buy a 3D tv JUST for the DVD if it ever comes out in 3D... Seriously this was such an awesome movie. Even the scripts were funny!!! So yea check it out and don't worry it will be good... that or I'm enjoying it cause I haven't seen a recent movie in such a long time even this movie entertained me. Let me believe the first and not the latter...