Nov 10, 2003 10:54
Hmmm...the weekend came and went as usual..just that it made an year older. I had a pretty quiet birthday this time around. I had thought I would have to stay in my apartment with my roomies and spend the whole day thinking....this isnt how it should be on your birthday. Well it wasnt that bad.
Its such a nice feeling when ur dear ones call u up at 12 in the nite to wish u a happy birthday.I remember once on my birthday when i stayed awake next to my phone waiting for my friends' calls and nobody called me. well thats a part of a bigger story really...mebbe some other time.
Viru was the first to call and I still think he talked to me only for 10 mins(though he argues it was more than half an hour)... Oh how i wish I was back in India again ...getting all those bouquets of flowers (which are pretty non-expensive in India btw)
Spoke to almost all my friends. Had a grt chat wth Ramu usual he wth his monotonic remarks and me cracking up every other second... Talked to trups after a really long time... and we just cant stop talking about 'Friends'.And I realised how much I have missed being my friends.Yeah but Im still sore about the fact that Bon was the last one to call :(
I went over to my chikamma's place ,talked to my parents, had a great time with my cousins, got to eat great food, went shopping, conveniently forgot about my assignment and project.
And now I'm back here at work with the whole week ahead. God!!!Why Mondays????