signal boost: Con or Bust NOW taking requests for July-September cons!

May 21, 2011 12:28

Originally posted by kate_nepveu at Con or Bust NOW taking requests for July-September cons!
Con or Bust is pleased to announce that as of this very moment, and through May 31, fans of color/non-white fans may request assistance to attend SFF cons in July, August, and September 2011.

Because there was no advance notice that we'd be taking requests, please repost and link to this post far and wide so that people know that assistance is possible. I will announce the precise amount after WisCon, once the T-shirt sales are counted up and I hear from some cons I've contacted, but a minimum of $600 will be available to help fans of color attend cons for the next three months, plus two memberships to Renovation, the 2011 WorldCon, generously donated by Renovation itself.

Read this post for how to request assistance. Donate con memberships by e-mailing Donate money with a PayPal account or credit card with this button:

Or learn more about Con or Bust generally. And thank you for your help in spreading the word!

signal boost, con or bust

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