Look A Fill Out Thing! O_O

Dec 06, 2004 21:22

Name: Jackie Robinson (no relation to the baseball player)
Age: 15
Sex: Fee-mal-ee
Location: GA
School: Jonesboro High School

***Have you ever...***
*...kissed your cousin? erm, I live in GA not Alabama
*...ran away? For one damn night and it was gay cuz i got no shleep =/
*...pictured your crush naked? Uh...::smile::
*...broken someone's heart? Maybe too many in middle school but no way in high.
*...been in love? yep...loved and lost and love again
*...cried when someone died? another yep
*...wanted someone you knew you couldn't have? Affirmative.
*...broken a bone? no but I rolled my ankle once, do I get points for that? =)
*...drank alcohol? Yup.
*...lied? I don't think there is one person on this Earth that could answer that with a "no".
*...cried in school? Mostly before or after school. Once all day though...

***The Preferred Sex***
*What do you notice first? eyes, sense of humor, shoes, hair, smile, muscles
*Last person you slow danced with: Brian Cunningham in last years military ball
*Best place you know of to go: Panama City's Blue Horizon Lodging porch for a sunrise
*Short or long hair? short but shaggy preferrably dyed black
*Piercings or none? lip rings, earrings, tongue ring, Prince Albert, whatever! as long as its not so bad he's afraid of magnets

***The last time you...***
*...showered? this morning
*...had sex? never and damn proud
*...have been to a party? Samantha's Halloween party
*...had a great time with the opposite sex? kissing Derek at my mom's thanksgiving party ^_^

***What is...***
*...your good luck charm? Kagan's ring
*...[who is] the person you hate the most? my mom

*Color: green, hot pink, black
*Movie: Napoleon Dynamite, Rocky Horror, The Virgin Suicides, Super Troopers, Ocean's 11
*Book: Harry Potter Series - J.K.Rowling, Memoirs of A Geisha - Arthur Golden
*Subject in School: Orchestra
*Online buds: ppl who comment on my Lj in a nice way
*Place to go when you have no where to go: Mr.Joe's House, Atlanta Bread Company
*Cars: corvet, '67 mustang
*Food: anything besides, soda, donuts, veggies, salads, steak, and popcorn
*Ice cream: Chocolate chip cookie dough.
*Soft drink: none soda is for icky ppl
*Sports to watch: soccer, tennis
*Holiday: Christmas, my bufdae
*Season: fall
*Breakfast food: dont eat breakfast
*Place to go with your honey: anywhere we can hold hands
*Place to go with your friends: the mall....hehehehehehehehe

*...makes you laugh the most? Kagan
*...makes you smile? everyone I love
*...gives you a funny feeling when you see them? Max Toney
*...has a crush on you? Z... poor poor boy...
*...do you have a crush on? Derek Noel my baby!
*...gives you kisses? Derek he's my boyfriend he better ::lol::
*...do you like to kiss? WELL DOI!
*...has it easier, guys or girls? I don't really think anybody has it easy.

***Do you ever...***
*...sit by the phone waiting for a call all night? yup
*...save AOL conversations? Only if I really feel the need.
*...save emails? yesh
*...wish you were someone else? plenty of times
*...wish you were a member of the opposite sex? only once a month when the clouds pass over the moon.....if you didnt get that then when PMS time starts
*...want to look differently? i'd like to have longer hair and more shoes...i ♥ shoes
*...cried because of someone's mean words? Ohhh yeah. thats an understatement

***Have you ever...***
*...fallen for your best friend: as in boy? yesh too many times
*...made out with JUST a friend: ::SMILE::
*...been rejected: yeah and still have the scars
*...been in lust: well I wanted to make out but no sex for this lil bunny oO?
*...used someone: Mmmhmm.
*...been used: I think I'm only capable of being used.
*...cheated on someone: yeah and regret it
*...been cheated on: all the time
*...been kissed: yeah
*...done something you regret: another understatement

***Who was the last person...***
*...you touched: Alexis when I gave her a hug before I left school
*...you talked to: unfortunately my mother --**
*...you hugged: Alexis before I left school
*...you instant messaged: Jess
*...you kissed: Derek Noel....::sniffle:: i miss my toiger ;_;
*...you yelled at: My mom for being a dumbass bitch
*...you laughed with: my violin instructor at lessons today
*...you had a crush on: does it count if I'm dating them now?
*...who broke your heart: Max Toney

***Do you...***
*...color your hair: yesh and I need to redo it!!!
*...have tattoos: not yet
*...have piercings: ears, 4 I did myself 8 in all

***Have you/do you...***
*...considered a life of crime: uhm no
*...considered being a hooker: ewww STDs and AIDS no thanky =P
*...if you could be anywhere, where would you be: in alaska
*...who would you be with: Kagan
*...what would you be doing?: watching an Alaskan sunrise
*...what are you listening to: Bayside
*...do you have a favorite stuffed animal: Green Bunny
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