Yesterday Now, Because I Was Too Lazy To Write Then

Nov 21, 2004 14:19

Oh geez! Yesterday goes along with my awesome weekend too!! Here goes!

Ok so yesterday morning Jess and I called Chris around 11:00 AM and asked him if he wanted to go to the movies and mall. He offered to take us in his moms durango so we were like OK! haha HOWEVER! His sister Scarlet was being SUPER GAY and hid the car keys and threatened to tell his mom if he drove it! I mean WTF?! We offered to take her along too and even a friend if she would give them up but still no! It was so stupid because she didnt even have a good reason why not! She just said, "no I dont want you to." and wouldnt tell him where the keys were. So we were like fine screw you and called jess's mom and had her pick us up and take us to the mall. However Chris had to ride his bike over to my house b/c Jess's mom wouldnt go pick him up so he was all tired when he got over to my house. Its only a 10 min bike ride but when youre trying to avoid incoming cars, things can get a little testy. ::lol::

So he got over here and then she picked us up and took us to the mall. YAY! And I even had $10.00 so I wasnt a poor person for about 10 minutes hahaha! But anywhoo, we went to Hot Topic, Pac Sun, Spencers, Claires, The Icing, and some Beauty Supply store and blew my $10.00 in those places. In Hot Topic I got some new Emo glasses because my old ones were about to break, some green shoe laces, and a Sex Pistols shirt! The shirt is black with mesh underlining and a hot pink picture of Sid on the front and yellow writing that says "Sex Pistols". It originaly had mesh long sleeves but i cut them off and made it short sleeved instead. It looks so much better so yay! haha but that wasnt the best part of the day! Lemmie tell you...

Ok so I had $10.00 and was super bummed because I saw lots of stuff I wanted so when I went to those places again (we went in like 4 times in each store haha) i stole some stuff ::lol:: I know it was bad but I got sooooooooo much with a five-finger discount haha! So anyways I stole from Hot Topic 48 buttons, 4 pairs of shoe laces, jewelry, and almost an Early November shirt except my bag was a little too full so I wouldnt have been able to pull it off haha. Then atSpencers I got a checkered belt, a red starbelt buckle for Chris's birthday, more buttons, more jewelry, and I saw some friends from my Korean church in there too! (but I didnt steal them ::lol::) Then at Claires I got hair clips, earrings, jellies (bracelets), rings, 3 wristbands, and keychains. Then at The Icing I got more bracelets, rings, earrings, keychains, and a neclace. I couldnt steal anything from Pac Sun though because everything was wired. Stupid smart kids ::lol:: But w/e I still got a lot of stuff tee hee.

I stole some buttons and bracelets and keychains and earrings and rings for Jess though, so I wasnt all greedy for myself. And I also got Chris some buttons, his belt buckle, and also this hot pink finger watch like mine and Jess's hahaha! Mine's is green and blue, Jess's is yellow and green, and chris's is hot pink haha! WONDER TRIPLETS UNITE!!! haha! Almost a belt too, but the worker at Spencers was watching me so I couldnt. Oh well...But I still had fun!! It was so funny because Jess and Chris kept saying stuff like "Hey Jackie, why dont you take out your glass cutter and get me that watch" and "Jackie go get that chair for Jess's room" and "Jackie go grab that rug on the wall and run outta here!!" hahahaha! it was so funny.

After the day was over (8 hrs haha!) we went to the food court and got some food and spilled out our goods! We counted and calculated (thanks to Chris's cell phone calculator) the button prices we stole. It was over $84.00 worth of buttons!!! HAHAHAHA! I couldnt count the rest of the stuff because I ripped the price tags off, but I bet I got over $200.00 worth of stuff, outta $10.00!! (well I borrowed another $10.00 from Jess so I guess $20.00 ::shrugg::) But man the part that pissed me off was when we were waiting for Jess's mom to come pick us up.

We were sitting on a bench next to the elevators resting our legs, laughing about what we got, and mimicking some ghetto people quotes when two black guys walked passed us talking about something (I dont even remember) and got pissed when they heard us. They started yelling at us and got into Chris's face yelling, "Got something to say? Got something to say?" And Chris just looked at them like they were they stupidest people on earth ::lol:: Jess tried to speak up and tell them to fuck off, but when she said one word, this one guy said "I wasnt talking to you so shut up!" and that pissed her off haha. So she just went off at him! It was so hilarious! But eventually the guy looked like he was about to try and hit Chris. I just stared at him, waiting for him to try and hit Chris because the second he did, I woulda jumped up and beaten the shit outta him! I woulda stomped on his dumbass self and kicked his jaw right outta his face! You dont mess with my friends if I can help it! I'm not afraid to get into a fight with a boy. Once my legs start going, you cant stop them even if you slammed me to the ground. I'm a dirty fighter and will kick where it hurts!

But anyways, he didnt (lucky him) because a whole bunch of people were watching and so he snatched Chris's Sierra Mist drink and threw it against the wall. It was pretty funny actually (Chris thought so too) but then he came back and kept on. After a while (Chris was still just staring at them like they were the dumbest people ever) he went and picked up the drink bottle again and tried to throw it at us when they went up the elevator, but we got up and left yelling "ASSHOLE!!" and walked down to the other side of the mall. They followed us from upstairs and came down by a flight of stairs after us. However, I went up to a mall cop and said "Sir, those guys have been troubling us all day! They've been threatening to beat us up and harrassing us ever since we came to the mall!" So I got a cop on their asses! Oh buddy they were in for a surprise when they caught up to us downstairs! They were escorted out of the mall! I gave a great performance though! I even got teary eyed for the cop when we were telling him about what they did. So yep! I win. hahaha!

Anywhoo, we waited for Jess's mom to pick us up outside and dropped off Chris and called it a night. We had so much fun! And cant wait to have another fun mall adventure. tee hee......

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